SSO Authentication

SSO Authentication


It is possible to rely on the engine configuration for Single Sign-On authentication within the REST API.

To do this, simply enable the functionality in the plug-in configuration with one of the following properties:

  • ssoSAMLEnabled: to enable SAML2 configuration integration

  • ssoOAuth2Enabled: to enable OAUTH2 configuration integration

When using these configurations, all functionality (except the creation of the JWT token) is delegated to the engine functionality, including the creation of the associated user. It is not possible to use any other structure than user for the user.

It is possible to decorate the configurations so that they are presentation compatible with the native OAUTH2 configurations of the REST API. It is also possible via this decoration to select the activated or non-activated configurations, as well as to manage the order within the list obtained by the end point of listing the authentication configurations. In API DESIGNER, use SSO Decoration menu :


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