The surfer created during a connection via the API

The surfer created during a connection via the API

When a surfer is connected via the API, properties are assigned to it. Some of these properties can be used in the security rules. It is not possible to use them in a surferservice (there is no ordered sequence for the execution of surferservices).

  • restapi_surfer: a boolean to true which indicates that the surfer has been connected via the API (if the surfer has not been connected via the API, this property does not exist, unless another process assigns it explicitly);

  • restapi_sso: a boolean that indicates whether the surfer was obtained through an SSO connection;

  • restapi_session_init: information provided by the surferservice of the REST API, which allows you to know that you have passed through the surferservice;

  • restapi_session_auth: the type of connection (originally this property allowed to know the state of the sessionauth processing, during a sessionless connection);

    • sessionfull: the connection is sessionful;

    • false : the connection is sessionless, with a specifically created surfer;

    • true:the connection is sessionless, with a surfer that has been retrieved from the session;

    • reconnect (deprecated): the connection is sessionless, with a surfer that has been retrieved from the session but reconnected;

    • session: the connection is sessionful, but with the sessionless connection process (this mode was never released and is no longer enabled in the plugin).

  • restapi_session_auth_id: unique technical information per surfer;

  • jwt_token: the JWT token identifier (JTI);

  • restapi_application_name: the name of the application, in the case of an application connection;

  • restapi_application_user: the user name during an application connection, from the userid parameter;

  • restapi_session_auth_reconnect (deprecated): boolean that indicates that the surfer has been; reconnected during a sessionauth treatment;

  • debug_surferservice: a counter that is incremented at each visit to the surferservices. It allows to monitor if the surferservices are not called several times for the same surfer.