Mass imports/uploads
This API makes it possible to carry out mass file uploads.
The process is based on jobs and import items attached to these jobs.
An element to be imported consists of a binary and qualification data: the item is a temporary object, which does not exist in the database, but whose simulated view can be obtained at any time.
A job is attached to a user. The process consists in attaching items to be imported to this job, qualifying them, then launching the actual creation of the final objects.
Item qualifications and object creations are asynchronous (asynchronous job works).
An item corresponds to any type of asset. A qualifying property of the same name in two different asset types must absolutely be of the same type (and nature if applicable).
End points
standard URI
All standard endpoints for massimport starts with /api/rest/massimport.
standard generic URI
End points that start with /api/rest/massimport/data have the same characteristics as standard end points of the type /api/rest/{dam/}data.
GET /api/rest/massimport
or GET /api/rest/massimport/data
(or GET /api/rest/massimport/catalog
To get headers, use parameter headers:
GET /api/rest/massimport?headers=true
Jobs end points
Get headers
GET /api/rest/massimport/job/headers
Get job data
GET /api/rest/massimport/job/{jobid}
withItems, boolean (false by default)
export also job items datawithSimu, boolean (false by default)
export simulation for each itemresetSimu, boolean (false by default)
if withSimu=true, force reset of the simulation cachemaxItems, int (negative means infinite), limit the number of items (default is infinite)
Get job list
GET /api/rest/massimport/job
for infinite list
GET /api/rest/massimport/job/list
for paginated list
Any standard parameters of list or search query, plus specific parameters (see Get job data)
Get job item list
GET /api/rest/massimport/job/{jobid}/item
for infinite list
GET /api/rest/massimport/job/{jobid}/item/list
for paginated list
you can use item or items
Any standard parameters of list or search query, plus specific parameters (see Get job data)
Show workflow of job
GET /api/rest/massimport/job/workflow
Show new possible workflow action
GET /api/rest/massimport/job/{jobid}/workflow
old way continue to work:
GET api/rest/massimport/job/{jobid}?workflows=true&withData=false
Create a new job
POST /api/rest/massimport/job
The jobowner is automatically set to surfer that invoke the end point.
Create a new job with data (multipart/form-data)
Provide a json in a field named json (or in a field with your wanted name, and a parameter named jsonproperty to set this name, in form or in query).
By example, set the job name and the job owner (id=11):
curl --request POST
--url https://<host>/api/rest/massimport/job \
--header 'authorization: xxxx'
--header 'content-type: multipart/form-data; boundary=---011000010111000001101001'
form 'json={"name": "test","jobowner": 11}'
Create a new job and attach items
You can attach items to the new job with field named itemIds:
an array of id of existing items (string or int), or asset uid or uuid (in this case, item will be created)
a query to select items as as JSonQuery (see Request Language )
To specify queries to select assets, user the prefix itemIds_ followed by the name of the asset resource (example: itemIds_asset={“owner”:”123”}
Example, with list of items (here ids 1 and 2):
curl --request POST \
--url https://<host>/api/rest/massimport/job \
--header 'authorization: xxxx' \
--header 'content-type: multipart/form-data; boundary=---011000010111000001101001' \
--form 'json={
"name": "test",
"itemIds": [1,2]
Example with query (here, all items created on june, the 3rd, 2020):
curl --request POST \
--url https://<host>/api/rest/massimport/job \
--header 'authorization: xxxx' \
--header 'content-type: multipart/form-data; boundary=---011000010111000001101001' \
--form 'json={
"name": "test",
"itemIds": { "created": {"eq": "20200603"} }
In creation, this is a simplification of the general syntax (see Add or remove items (asynchronous)).
The parameter itemIds can be set outside the json as independent field
Example with independent field:
curl --request POST \
--url https://<host>/api/rest/massimport/job \
--header 'authorization: xxxx' \
--header 'content-type: multipart/form-data; boundary=---011000010111000001101001' \
--form 'json={"name": "test"}' \
--form 'itemIds=["1",2]'
Use true or $auto for itemIds to attach all not currently attached items
Parameter withItems can be used to export item data within creation result data (of job). Parameter props can filter item properties, by prefixing them with “$item.” (example: props=id,name,$,$
Parameters can be set in query:
add_itemIds (or itemIds): to add items by id (multiple values)
add_itemIds_query to add items by query (single value)
remove_itemIds: to remove items by id (multiple values)
remove_itemsIds_query to remove items by query
add_itemIds_ followed by resource name to add assets by id (creating item for asset)
remove_itemIds_ followed by resource name to remove assets items by id
add_itemIds_query_ followed by resource name to add asset by query
remove_itemIds_query_ followed by resource name to remove asset items by query
Delete job
DELETE /api/rest/massimport/job/{id}
withItems (boolean, default is false): if true, reports attached items
deleteItems (boolean, or string, default is false): if true, remove items, if false, detach item (set job to null). If value is an id of a job, attach items to the job.
withSecondary (boolean, default is true), delete also secondary jobs
Items end points
GET /api/rest/massimport/item/headers
Create a new item (binary in body)
Use POST /api/rest/massimport/item, with binary file in body
The filename (this name is the store final filename and will be use to determinate mimetype if the file) must be provided
either by content-disposition header
Example:content-disposition: atachment; filaname=”filename.jpg”
or query parameter
The content-type must be provided by content-type header, and can be anything but application/json. Do not use application/json, because this content-type is reserved for metadata : to upload a binary json file, use any other content type (i.e. application/octet-stream). The final mimetype of the file will be determinated from the filename extension.
Example (curl):
curl --request POST \
--url https://<host>/api/rest/massimport/item \
--header 'authorization: xxxx' \
--header 'content-disposition: attachment; filename="filename.jpg"' \
--header 'content-type: image/jpeg' \
--data '@myfile.jpg'
Create a new item (multipart/form-data)
Use POST /api/rest/massimport/item, with content-type multipart-formdata
The binary file must be provided in the field named binary. A filename, other than the field content-disposition, can be provided with the query parameter named prop_binary or multipart/form-data field binary : this filename will be the final filename.
Example (curl, with filename in multipart/form-data):
curl --request POST \
--url https://<host>/api/rest/massimport/item \
--header 'authorization: xxxx' \
--header 'content-type: multipart/form-data; boundary=---011000010111000001101001' \
--form binary=@myfile.jpg \
--form binary=filename.jpg
In this mode you can specify data for the item in a json. See the
Example setting target job and name (curl):
curl --request POST \
--url https://<host>/api/rest/massimport/item \
--header 'authorization: xxxx' \
--header 'content-type: multipart/form-data; boundary=---011000010111000001101001' \
--form binary=@myfile.jpg \
--form json={"name":"example","job":42}
Create a new item from an asset
Made as if to create an item from scratch, and on top of that, use asset parameter (or $asset) to specify the source asset as:
uid: type then id, separated with underscore (example: asset_42)
The parameter can be included in the json.
Example (curl), with json in body, targetting job 2:
curl --request POST \
--url https://<host>/api/rest/massimport/item \
--header 'authorization: xxxx' \
--header 'content-type: application/json' \
--data '{
"job": "2",
"asset": "asset_3173"
Add or remove items (asynchronous)
The parameter itemIds used in a job modification request allows to add items to the job or remove items from the job (detach them make them without any job). This parameter can be used as separated parameters (in multipart/form-data field, in query parameter…) or inside the json data description sent to modify properties of the job.
the json contains one or both of the following properties:
an array of item ids (string or number)
a jsonquery to select items
an array of item ids (string or number)
a jsonquery to select items
Example to add items:
Example to add all items created on june, the 3rd 2020:
"add": {
"created": "20200603"
When creating a job, as you can only add items, you can simplify the json by indicating only the value of the add property.
Example to create a job with name “test” with all data in the json description:
url --request POST \
--url https://<host>/api/rest/massimport/job \
--header 'authorization: xxxx' \
--header 'content-type: multipart/form-data; boundary=---011000010111000001101001' \
--form 'json={
"name": "test",
"itemIds": { "add": ["1",2] }
Same example with simplified syntax:
url --request POST \
--url http://<host>/api/rest/massimport/job \
--header 'authorization: xxxx' \
--header 'content-type: multipart/form-data; boundary=---011000010111000001101001' \
--form 'json={
"name": "test",
"itemIds": ["1",2]
Same example with itemIds in its own field:
curl --request POST \
--url https://<host>/api/rest/massimport/job \
--header 'authorization: xxxx' \
--header 'content-type: multipart/form-data; boundary=---011000010111000001101001' \
--form 'json={
"name": "test"
}' \
--form 'itemIds={ "add": ["1",2] }'
You can also use query parameters, one to add with name add_itemIds, one to remove with the name remove_itemIds, for ids
curl --request POST \
--url 'https://<host>/api/rest/massimport/job?add_itemIds=1&add_itemIds=2' \
--header 'authorization: xxxx' \
--header 'content-type: multipart/form-data; boundary=---011000010111000001101001' \
--form 'json={
"name": "test"
You can also use query parameters, one to add with name add_itemIds_query, one to remove with the name remove_itemIds_query, for query
curl --request POST \
--url 'https://<host>/api/rest/massimport/job?add_itemIds_query=%7B%20%22created%22%3A%20%7B%22eq%22%3A%20%2220200603%22%7D%20%7D' \
--header 'authorization: xxxx' \
--header 'content-type: multipart/form-data; boundary=---011000010111000001101001' \
--form 'json={
"name": "test"
The ways are combinable, but if there is a parameter in the multipart/form-data, its query equivalent is ignored.
The request invocation ends immediately and the modifications are scheduled to be done asynchronously. Until the demands are not finished, the job is marked outstanding (you can get this state in the status section of a job data).
Add or remove items (asynchronous)
Do a request on an item to modify the property job (or set it when creating the item).
curl --request PUT \
--url https://<host>/api/rest/massimport/data/item/18 \
--header 'authorization: xxxx' \
--header 'content-type: application/json' \
--data '{
"job": 12
Qualify items (asynchronous)
You can schedule items qualification on a job, with the parameter metadata. This parameter works like itemIds parameter (you can put in json, in a multipart/form-data field, in a query parameter).
The value is a json with :
a property ids, to list the item ids you want to qualify (an array of ids, or a single id, if there is only one items to change)
tagging data, one or both following properties:
type ( or datatype) to set the target type (if different of defaultcollection of the job). If not set, and there is a $resource in data property value, this one is used
data: a json, with the same syntax as any API modification
workflow : a workflow action name or id
curl --request PUT \
--url https://<host>/api/rest/massimport/job/2 \
--header 'authorization: xxxx' \
--header 'content-type: application/json' \
--data '{
"metadata": {
"ids": [1,2],
curl --request PUT \
--url https://<host>/api/rest/massimport/job/2 \
--header 'authorization: xxxx' \
--header 'content-type: application/json' \
--data '{
"metadata": {
"ids": [1,2],
"data": {
"keywords": {
"$mode": "appendnew",
"$values": [3342,2231]
Qualify item (synchronous)
To qualify an item, modify it with the parameter metadata, the same as when qualifying items asynchronously (by job), but without ids.
The syntax is the same as standard modification. If you use a json, if a property metadata exists in the resource item, use $metadata.
Configuration (API)
A minimal configuration is automatically generated for the both job and item structures. Use the tag REST_API_MASS_IMPORT_INCLUDE to export a field which is not automatically selected. Use the dam/data tags to configure features (see Tags )
All the features are allowed by default:
Jobs are secured by default.
Fields exported by default:
no update
not required for create
not required for update
not required for patch
jobowner (the user who owns the job)
required for create
not required for update
not required for patch
default value : surfer id
previousowner (the previous owner of the job, after the job has been transferred to another owner)
not required for create
not required for update
not required for patch
no update (use workflow end point to modify this)
jobprogress (a json that describes the progress of a job after it has been started)
no update
expected items
not required for create
not required for update
All the features are allowed by default:
Jobs are secured by default.
Fields exported by default:
no update
not required for create
not required for update
not required for patch
no update (use workflow end point to modify this)
not required for create
not required for update
not required for patch
required for create
not required for update
not required for patch
no update
no update
no update
Configuration (plug-in)
enableMassImportServices: boolean, default is true
enable or disable mass import support in REST APImassImportItemObjectName: string, default massimportitem
name of structure to store data for itemmassImportCreateWithJobOwner: boolean, default is true
indicates, if true, that the job owner is being used to create (or simulate), or, if false, that the job execution user is being used.massImportRemoveItemAfterCreate: boolean, default is true
if true, triggers the deletion of an item as soon as the corresponding asset is created (or modified during mass tagging)massImportSimuWithFaces: boolean, default is true
indicates whether faces information should be exported in the simulations2021.3.0 massImportAsyncStoreCache: boolean, default is true
enables asynchronous storage of the simulation cachemassImportJobConfig: json, empty for defaults
a configuration for the job execution
Here is the default configuration used and which you can use as a basis for adapting it:{ "jobProcessorThreadCount": 5, "jobProcessorThreadPriority": java.lang.Thread.NORM_PRIORITY (ie 5), "changesProcessorThreadCount": 5, "changesProcessorThreadPriority": java.lang.Thread.NORM_PRIORITY (ie 5) "stopChangesImmediatly": true, "keepOldJobCount": 1000, "jobLockAcquireTimeout": 10000, "jobLockTimeout": 10000, "saveJobLockAcquireTimeout": 10000, "saveJobLockTimeout": 10000, "saveItemLockAcquireTimeout": 10000, "saveItemLockTimeout": 10000, "jobRole": "4", "cacheStoreThreadCount": 3, "cacheStoreThreadIdleTime": 300, "cacheStoreQueueSize": 100, "setChangesCompletionMinThreadCount": 5, "setChangesCompletionMaxThreadCount": 10, "setChangesCompletionThreadIdleTime": 300, "setChangesCompletionQueueSize": 300, "setChangesCompletionThreshold": 200, "setChangesCompletionThresholdFork": 300, "setChangesCompletionForkPoolSize": 10, "setChangesCompletionForkThreadCount": 10 }
jobProcessorThreadCount: int, default is 5
the number of threads used by the execution service to perform asynchronous end object creation taskschangeProcessorThreadCount: int, default is 5
the number of threads used by the execution service to perform asynchronous item qualification application tasks.stopChangesImmediatly: boolean, default is true
if true, when the plug-in is stopped, we wait until all current tasks have been completedkeepOldJobCount: int, default is 1000
number of completed tasks to be retained for follow-up (tasks are only retained until restarted and by cluster instance if applicable)jobLockAcquireTimeout: long, default is 10000
maximum time ((in milliseconds) to acquire a lock for an execution task (qualification, or creation)jobLockTimeout: long, default is 10000
maximum time (in milliseconds) to retain a lock for an execution (qualification, or creation) tasksaveJobLockAcquireTimeout: long, default is 10000
maximum time (in milliseconds) to acquire a lock to save a jobsaveJobLockTimeout: long, default is 10000
maximum time (in milliseconds) to retain a lock to save a jobsaveItemLockAcquireTimeout: long, default is 10000
maximum time (in milliseconds) to acquire a lock to save an itemsaveItemLockTimeout: long, default is 10000
maximum time (in milliseconds) to retain a lock to save an itemjobRole: string, default is 4
role of user used by job executor2021.3.0 cacheStoreThreadCount: int, default is 3
the number of threads used to store simulation data cache asynchronously (when massImportAsyncStoreCache is true)2021.3.0 cacheStoreThreadIdleTime: int, default is 300 (5×60)
thread (used for asynchronous simulation cache storage) idle time in seconds (when massImportAsyncStoreCache is true)2021.3.0 cacheStoreQueueSize: int, default is 100
queue size for asynchronous simulation cache storage (when massImportAsyncStoreCache is true)2022.1.0 setChangesCompletionMinThreadCount, int, default is 5
the minimum number of threads used to process applications for mass import item change orders asynchronously (when massImportSetChangesCompletionServiceEnabled is true)2022.1.0 setChangesCompletionMaxThreadCount, int, default is 10
the maximum number of threads used to process applications for mass import item change orders asynchronously (when massImportSetChangesCompletionServiceEnabled is true)2022.1.0setChangesCompletionThreadIdleTime, int, default is 300 (5x60)
thread (used to process applications for mass import item change orders asynchronously) idle time (when massImportSetChangesCompletionServiceEnabled is true)2022.1.0setChangesCompletionQueueSize
queue size for applications of mass import item change orders (when massImportSetChangesCompletionServiceEnabled is true)2022.1.0setChangesCompletionThreshold
number of items from which the task of applications of mass import item change orders is parallelized2022.1.0setChangesCompletionThresholdFork
number of items from which the task of applications of mass import item change orders is forked to a dedicated pool2022.1.0setChangesCompletionForkPoolSize
the number of dedicated forking thread pool used to process applications for mass import item change orders (when massImportSetChangesCompletionServiceEnabled is true)2022.1.0setChangesCompletionForkThreadCount
the number of threads of forking thread pool, used to process applications for mass import item change orders with a dedicated forked pool (when massImportSetChangesCompletionServiceEnabled is true)2022.2.0 massImportJobOutstandingVirtual
Leave this parameter at its default value (false)2022.2.0 massImportPurgeConfig
jobs and items purge setupenabled
boolean to enable the purge process (default is true)runAtStart
boolean to activate a purge task launch at plugin startup (default is true)schedule
boolean to activate a scheduled execution (default is true)orphanItems
boolean to activate the purge of orphan items (items that are attached to a job that does not exist or to no job) (default is true)emptyJobs
boolean to activate the purge of empty jobs (jobs without items) (default is true)processPrimaryJobs
boolean indicating that the primary jobs should be processed (default is true)processSecondaryJobs
boolean indicating that secondary jobs should be processed (default is true)processNotDoneUnreferencedJobs
boolean indicating that we must purge the secondary jobs that are not finished, but that are attached to no primary job (or attached to a non-existent job) (default is true)logLevel
the default log level of the purge system (default is INFO)primaryRetentionTime
the retention time of primary jobs (the time after which a job identified as to be purged will be purged) (default is 45 days)secondaryRetentionTime
the retention time of secondary jobs (the time after which a job identified as to be purged will be purged) (default is one day)itemRetentionTime
the retention time of items (the time after which an item identified as to be purged will be purged) (default is 15 days)timing
a boolean that activates the timing of the purge tasks (uses a gate) (default is false)surferRole
the role ID for the surfer used to delete objects (default is 4). Security is not taken into account during the purging task, but a surfer is required.surferUserId (optional)
the user ID or the surfer used to delete objects (If not indicated, we take the first user which is the role configured by surferRole)
Extensions (business services)
The class com.noheto.restapi.MassImport from jar restapibs.jar (copy it from plug-in WXM-RESTAPI) provides an API you can use in you own plug-in, to retrieve information about the items to be imported.
Get item target type in your extensions
String MassImport.getDataType(String/id|IObjectReadonly)
Get simulation data in your extensions MassImport.getItemSimu({wsnoheto.engine.CTSurfer,}{org.apache.log4j.Logger,}String/id|IObjectReadonly,boolean/resetCache)
org.json.JSONObject MassImport.getItemSimuJson({wsnoheto.engine.CTSurfer,}{org.apache.log4j.Logger,}String/id|IObjectReadonly,boolean/resetCache)
you must use this object and it must have the following fields:
Code | Type | Nature | Default | List | View | Edit | Mandatory | Null if empty | Indexed | Tags |
id | identity |
| |
created | datetime |
| rest_api_mass_import_include |
modified | datetime |
| rest_api_mass_import_include |
owner |
| rest_api_mass_import_include |
parent | sentence |
child | word |
status | child | wkfmassimportjob |
name | word |
activated | child | activated | 1 |
changes | text |
| [] |
jobowner | child | user |
expecteditems | integer |
| 0 |
defaultcollection | word |
| rest_api_mass_import_include rest_api_create_not_required rest_api_update_not_required |
outstanding | child | activated | 2 |
previousowner | child | user |
activestep | word |
| rest_api_mass_import_include rest_api_create_not_required rest_api_update_not_required |
primaryjob | child | massimportjob |
| rest_api_mass_import_include rest_api_create_not_required rest_api_update_not_required |
jobprogress | text |
| restapi_json |
item structure. You can use you own object, but you it must have the following fields, in addition to the standard fields:
Code | Type | Nature | Default | List | View | Edit | Mandatory | Null if empty | Indexed | Tags |
id | identity |
| |
created | datetime |
| rest_api_mass_import_include |
modified | datetime |
| rest_api_mass_import_include |
owner |
parent | sentence |
child | word |
status | child | wkfmassimportjob |
name | word |
activated | child | activated | 1 |
changes | text |
| [] |
job | child | massimportjob |
binary | file |
| dam_asset_raw_file_field gallery_multi_upload |
objectid | word |
objecttype | word |
changescache | text |
rejectreason | text |
datachanges(i18n) | text |
| child | activated | 2 |
itemhaswarnings2021.4.0 OPTIONAL | child | activated | 2 |
wkfmassimportjob / wkfmassimportjobaction
This workflow must not be modified
draft | pending | done | paused | cancelled |
start |
| |||
| pause |
| ||
| restart |
| ||
| cancel | |||
cancel | ||||
| finish |
wkfmassimportitem / wkfmassimportitemaction
failed | rejected | draft | duplicate | index | approved | processing | imported |
| markduplicate |
| |||||
| index |
| |||||
| reject |
| |||||
| validatebinary |
| |||||
| invalidatebinary |
| |||||
| index |
| |||||
| reject |
| |||||
| complete | ||||||
| reject |
| |||||
| approve |
| |||||
| import |
| |||||
fail |
| ||||||
| index |
| |||||
| approve |
Fulltext indexation of simulation data
To allow fulltext search within items, item structure must have i18n datachanges field, as well as the associated fields for each desired locale, and these fields must be indexed.
Check the structures
You can check if structures or workflows are valid in the plug-in status page.