User notifications API

User notifications API

11.27 This API allows you to retrieve notifications from a user (usermention) or to send them to

End point

The main end point URL is /api/rest/usernotif (alias /api/rest/usermention)

Count unread notifications

Use this end point to find out the number of unread messages, and time since unread:

GET /api/rest/usernotif/unread

(or GET /api/rest/usernotif/count)


  • query: a query (see Request Language ) to select messages
    you cannot retrieve any messages other than those of the surfer invoking the service. By default, the query is the base query used by the UserMention service (pactivated='1').

  • orderby: order by clause

  • level: additional filter by level (multi-valued)

  • source: additional filter by source (multi-valued)

  • type: additional filter by type (multi-valued)

Get notification messages (Infinite list)

To get unread messages, use this end point:

GET /api/rest/usernotif


  • withData: boolean (default is true). If false, get the same result as GET /api/rest/usernotif/unread

  • max: maximum number of messages (default is 50, max is 200, use after to get the following messages)

  • after: the last message token after which you want to retrieve messages

  • query: a query (see Request Language ) to select messages
    you cannot retrieve any messages other than those of the surfer invoking the service. By default, the query is the base query used by the UserMention service (pactivated='1').

  • orderby: order by clause

  • level: additional filter by level (multi-valued)

  • source: additional filter by source (multi-valued)

  • type: additional filter by type (multi-valued)

Get notification messages (Paginated list)

To get unread messages, use this end point:

GET /api/rest/usernotif/list


  • withData: boolean (default is true). If false, get the same result as GET /api/rest/usernotif/unread

  • max: maximum number of messages (default is 50, max is 200, use from to get the following page of messages)

  • from: the position (1 to total) of the first message you want to get

  • query: a query (see Request Language ) to select messages
    you cannot retrieve any messages other than those of the surfer invoking the service. By default, the query is the base query used by the UserMention service (pactivated='1').

  • orderby: order by clause

  • level: additional filter by level (multi-valued)

  • source: additional filter by source (multi-valued)

  • type: additional filter by type (multi-valued)

Get message

To get a given message, use this end point:

GET /api/rest/usernotif/{id}


  • id (path parameter, mandatory): key or uuid of message

Mark read

To mark messages read, use this end point (this mark read all messages until now):

POST /api/rest/usernotif/markread


  • type: types (multi-valued)

Additional parameters

Availables for get single message or list.

  • i18n: default true, localization

  • raw: default inverse of i18n value, if raw is true, exported data aren’t localized

  • i18nQuery: default i18n value, localize only query

  • i18nSort: default i18n value, localize only sort

  • lang: language if different than surfer language


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Send notification

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API Notifications



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