Get Server and REST API configuration

Get Server and REST API configuration

This service provides various information about the server configuration and REST API.

GET /api/rest/config

Response description

  1. Section setup

    1. Sub-section connection

      • Property JWT

        • true means JWT authentification is enabled

        • false means JWT authentication is disabled

      • Sub-section sessionful 2021.4

        • Property allowed

          • true means sessionful mode can be handled by request

          • false means sessionful mode can’t be handler by request

        • Property default

          • true means sessionful mode is activated by default

          • false means sessionful mode isn’t activated by default

      • Sub-section sessionauth

        • Property allowed

          • true means sessionauth mode can be handled by request

          • false means sessionauth mode can’t be handler by request

        • Property default

          • true means sessionauth mode is activated by default

          • false means sessionauth mode isn’t activated by default

      • Property cookie

        • true means cookieauth mode is activated

        • false means cookieauth mode is not activated

      • Property maxage
        Integer (seconds). Value of plugin parameter tokenMaxAge, i.e. the maximum age of JWT tokens in seconds (null means there isn’t any value, and the maximum age is infinite).

      • Property tokentime
        Integer (seconds). Value of plugin parameter tokenLongLifeTime, i.e. the JWT refresh token life time in seconds.

    2. Property damservices

      1. true means dam services ( /api/rest/dam/* ) are available

      2. false means dam services aren’t available

    3. Property imagingservices

      1. true means imaging services are available

      2. false means imaging services aren’t available

    4. Sub-section charsets

      1. Property response
        String, REST API response charset (usually UTF-8)

      2. Property content
        String, REST API content charset (usually UTF-8)

    5. Sub-section query

      1. Sub-section config

        1. Property i18nQuery

          1. true means i18nQuery parameter default is true

          2. false means i18nQuery parameter default is false

      2. Sub-section request

        1. Property ignoreQuery

          1. true means ignoreQuery parameter default is true (this setting to true means that in case of an unknown property in a request we prefer to ignore the query rather than raise an exception)

          2. false means ignoreQuery parameter default is false

        2. Property canRetrieveCaption

          1. true means that rules of type canRetrieveCaption are taken into account when retrieving relational data from dam services, i.e. this data may be partial

          2. false means tthat rules of type canRetrieveCaption are ignored

    6. Property dxm 2021.3

      1. true means dxm is activated

      2. false means dxm is not activated

    7. Property dxmCookie 2021.3
      Boolean. (Should be always equals to property dxm value)

      1. true means API cookie domain is set to be compliant with DXM

      2. false means API cookie domain is default

    8. Property maxAgeControl 2021.3

      1. true means client agents are allowed to specify their own cache max-age in request.

      2. false means client agents are not allowed to specify their own cache max-age in request.

  2. Section versions

    1. Property engine
      String. The version of the Wedia server engine.

    2. Property plugin
      String. The version of the REST API plugin

    3. Property api
      String. The default version of the REST API

    4. Property apicfg
      String. The version of configuration of the REST API services

    5. Property $faces 11.30
      String, temporary. The default version of $faces data in REST API services responses

    6. Property $simu-metadata 11.30
      String, temporary. The default version of mass import/tagging metadata in REST API services responses

  3. Section mode

    1. Property server

      1. dev means server is running in development mode

      2. prod means server is running in production mode

    2. Property plugin

      1. dev means plugin is running in development mode

      2. default means plugin is running in same mode than server

    3. Property rundebug

      1. true means the server is running in debug mode

      2. false means the server is running in runtime mode

  4. Property locale
    Default indexing locale

Response sample (CLUB-WED)

{ "setup": { "connection": { "JWT": true, "sessionful": { "allowed": false, "default": false }, "sessionauth": { "allowed": true, "default": false }, "cookie": true, "maxage": null, "tokentime": 86400 }, "damServices": true, "imagingServices": true, "charsets": { "response": "UTF-8", "content": "UTF-8" }, "query": { "config": { "i18nQuery": false }, "request": { "ignoreQuery": false, "canRetrieveCaption": false } }, "dxm": false, "dxmCookie": false, "cdn": false, "maxAgeControl": true }, "versions": { "engine": "WEDIA 2021.5.2", "plugin": "2021.5.2", "api": "2.3", "apicfg": "1.0", "$faces": "V2", "$simu-metadata": "V2" }, "mode": { "server": "dev", "plugin": "default", "rundebug": false }, "locale": "en", "defaultLockTimeMs": 30000, "version": "2.3", "status": 200, "time": 7 }


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