Authentication using oAuth2

Authentication using oAuth2

Since version 11.5.3

In addition to SAML2 compatibility, Wedia makes it easy to authenticate yourself against an OAuth2 provider.

For example, it allows for easy connection via Google Apps authentication.

Here is an example of configuration a sample configuration for Google authentication.

Example of OAUTH authentication with Google


Managed Contexts

This Identity Provider will not be available for use to connect that if the site is accessed with a URL starting with one of the following ones contexts.

Authorization URLs

URL for retrieving the access token and profile user are the URLs specific to your OAUTH provider. See your supplier’s documentation for these values. At the time of writing this documentation, the URLSs specified in this document will not be displayed. Screenshots allow you to log in with your Google account. The URL of the user profile must be accessible in GET via the WEDIA server and return a JSON feed.


the information to be entered in this field depends on your OAUth provider and must allow the WEDIA server to retrieve the user profile logged in with the URL of the user profile.

Identifier and key of the client application

this information is for your data provided by the Identity Provider when you create a link with your WEDIA application. How to recover depends on your server of identity.

Attributes Local User Object, Local pivot property and OAuth profile pivot attribute function in the same way as with OAuth profile SAML2 suppliers.

  • They consist of matching the profile OAUth user with a WEDIA user by searching for the local object of which the value of the local property is equal to the pivot attribute of the oauth profile.

  • If this user exists: it is loaded.

  • If not, the user is automatically created from the same one with supplier SAML2 by preteaching local properties or with attributes from the OAuth profile.

Below is an example of the creation of a user with a Google profile.

It is possible to use a subproperty of the JSON profile as a value of mapping by specifying its full path in the form:
Prop. under_prop. under_sub_prop.

Ex: address. city


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