

Convert file to specified format.


  • file extension: the extension of file corresponding to the format or $org to format to original file format

  • quality: the quality of file for type which handle it (jpeg, mpeg, png, mng, tiff, miff, bpg, webp…​). It’s a positive integer, usually from 0 (or 1) to 100, the lowest means the lowest quality, the highest means highest quality.

  • density: resolution of file (Sets an attribute and does not alter the underlying raster image)

  • density units in dots per centimeter: specifies the density parameter is in dots per centimeter (default is dots per inch)

  • clipping path2021.6: name, or index (a number from 1 to n, preceeded with an octothorp (#)) of a clipping path to trim image, when converting from jpeg to png by example

Using this option destroys the clipping pathes and therefore prevents clipping in a chain.

  • outside or inside2021.6: to fill the outside or inside of the clipping path. Default is true (so outside)

JSON object properties

  • extension: target file extension

  • quality: quality

  • density: density

  • densityCentimeter: specifies the density is in dots per centimer

  • clippath: clipping path

  • outside: true for outside or false for inside

simplified syntax parameters

  • prefix e: target file extension

  • prefix q: quality

  • prefix d: density (the horizontal value or the vertical value, or the horizontal value and the vertical value separated by × or x, by exemple 72×72)

  • prefix hv: density horizontal value (if only hv is specified, vv is equals to hv)

  • prefix vv: density vertical value (if only vv is specified, hv is equals to vv)

  • switch dpi: set the density in dots per inch (default)

  • switch dpc: set the density in dots per centimeter

  • prefix cp: clipping path

  • switch outside: +outside for outside or -outside for inside

array type parameters

One value array with extension as target file extension, or only quality (integer), or both values.

string type parameter

The target file extension value.


{ "format":"png" }

Maldives: W400×H225

Maldives: W400×H225

Simplified syntax: e_png,c_format

Example with quality

{ "format": { "extension": "jpg", "quality": 5 } }

Simplified syntax: e_jpg,q_5,c_format

to change quality without changing extension, use $current value: e_$current,q_5,c_format