Generates a standard thumbnail
width: dimension value, the new width of the final image. Default is the width of the original image.
height: dimension value, the new width of the final image. Default is the width of the original image.
self orientation: boolean, activate or not the self-orientation (depending of EXIF image profile setting 'Orientation')
proportional resizing: boolean, activate or not proportional resizing
image fitting: boolean, activate or not image fit
extension: (string) target file suffix (format conversion if needed, default value is the global default format configured for the platform, usually png)
background color: fill color (default is transparent)
image filling: boolean, activate or not if image fills thumnail
image quality: integer value, image quality
page index: integer, page index (if document is a multipage document), from 0 to n - 1 (n is the number of pages)
animation deactivation: 2021.6 boolean, freeze or not animated image
JSON object properties
width: width of the final image
height: height of the final image
autorotate: activate self orientation
proportional: activate proportional resizing
zoomin: activate image fitting
extension: the final wanted file extension
background (or color): the background color
extend: activate image filling
quality: image quality
index: page index (default is 0)
disableAnimation: freeze animated image
simplified syntax parameters
prefix w: width
prefix h: height
switch autorotate: self-orientation switching
switch zoomin: image fitting switching
prefix e: file extention
prefif bg: background color
switch extend: image filling switching
prefix q: image quality
prefix i: page index
switch disableAnimation: freeze animated image
array type parameters
Valued parameters are all optional but must be in this order:
background color
file extension
image quality (must be specified if you need to specified index)
Switches can be set on in any position with followed:
Exemple 1: simple thumbnail
Maldives: W400×H225 |
Maldives: W300×H168 |