DAM Services
The DAM Services are the standard endpoint for accessing and updating the DAM resources.
As the datamodel from one DAM to another will change, to accomodate the company’s structure and requirements, these services will adapt from one DAM to another automatically, so you cannot reuse exactly DAM Services from one DAM to another.
To setup how services are generated, the configuration is mostly set up by adding “tags” to the datamodels. This is mostly done by your Wedia Account Manager at project setup. The list of tags can be found here. You can see the result of the automatic generation by the "Debugging the configuration" section (see below).
The general form of endpoints for resources in this category is as follows:
api/rest/dam/data/{resource}{/<optional URI extension>}
See also: https://crossmedia.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/WD/pages/829718559/DAM+Services#Facade-end-points
Endpoint to retrieve a list of assets and resources
GET api/rest/dam/data/{resource}
This end point allows you to list, search (using fulltext, or structured, SQL-like queries), or get suggestions (autocompletion), or get tree structures (see fast tree service).
This token returns a limited list of resource instances and a token that allows you to go through the next results, still limited, with its token that allows you to get the continuation and so on. If you need paginated results, please use the next endpoint.
To get several resources, use comma-separated list. By example, GET api/rest/dam/data/asset,legacy
You can find more details on how to use this end point here.
End point to retrieve a paginated list of assets and resources
GET api/rest/dam/data/{resource}/list
This service does the same thing as the service described above, but in the form of a paginated list: an index of the first instance of the desired resource and of the last instance is specified. We can thus obtain an interval of instances called page.
You can find more details on how to use this end point here
End point to retrieve a given asset
GET api/rest/dam/data/{resource}/{id}
End point to retrieve a tree
GET api/rest/dam/data/{resource}/tree{/id}
You can find more details on how to use this end point here
End point to retrieve aggregates
GET api/rest/dam/data/{resource}/aggs
End point to create a workcopy
GET api/rest/dam/data/{resource}/{id}/workcopy
You can find more details on how to use this end point here
End point to get binary
GET api/rest/dam/data/{resource}/{id}/$binary
You can find more details on how to use this end point here
End point to get binary variation
GET api/rest/dam/data/{resource}/{id}/$variation
You can find more details on how to use this end point here
End point to get binary player
GET api/rest/dam/data/{resource}/{id}/$player
You can find more details on how to use this end point here
End point to get binary preview (thumbnail)
GET api/rest/dam/data/{resource}/{id}/$preview
You can find more details on how to use this end point here
End point to assign a collection item
POST api/rest/dam/data/{resource}/{id}/{collectionProperty}
You can find more details on how to use this end point here
End point to create a resource
POST api/rest/dam/data/{resource}
You can find more details on how to use this end point here
End points to update a resource
PUT api/rest/dam/data/{resource}/{id}
PATCH api/rest/dam/data/{resource}/{id}
POST api/rest/dam/data/{resource}/{id}/put
POST api/rest/dam/data/{resource}/{id}/patch
POST api/rest/dam/data/{resource}
You can find more details on how to use these end points here
End point to delete a resource
DELETE api/rest/dam/data/{resource}/{id}
You can find more details on how to use this end point here
End point to update several resources
PUT api/rest/dam/data/{resource}/{id}
PATCH api/rest/dam/data/{resource}/{id*}
POST api/rest/dam/data/{resource}/{id*}/put
POST api/rest/dam/data/{resource}/{id*}/patch
You can find more details on how to use these end points here
End point to delete several resources
DELETE api/rest/dam/data/{resource}{/id*}
You can find more details on how to use this end point here
End point to lock a resource
POST api/rest/dam/data/{resource}/{id}/lock
You can find more details on how to use this end point here
End point to unlock a resource
POST api/rest/dam/data/{resource}/{id}/unlock
You can find more details on how to use this end point here
End point to change workflow state of a resource
POST api/rest/dam/data/{resource}/{id}/workflow
You can find more details on how to use this end point here
End point to change workflow state of several resources
POST api/rest/dam/data/{resource}/{id*}/workflow
You can find more details on how to use this end point here
End point to retrieve workflow actions
GET api/rest/dam/data/{resource}/workflow
You can find more details on how to use this end point here
End point to retrieve workflow actions possible on a resource
GET api/rest/dam/data/{resource}/{id}/workflow
You can find more details on how to use this end point here
In addition
The headers are the description of the properties of the resource: type of data, possibility of modification, information for the display in a GUI, etc.
GET api/rest/dam/data/{resource}/headers
You can find more details on how to use this end point here
Catalogs provide a list of existing resources and their descriptions
GET api/rest/dam
You can find more details on how to use this end point here
Facade end points
The DAM category also offers end points facade allowing access to several resources simultaneously.
The general form of end points is as follows:
api/rest/dam{/<URI extension>}
End point to retrieve a cumulative list of all asset collections
GET api/rest/dam/asset
to get an infinite list
GET api/rest/dam/asset/list
to get a paginated list
You can find more details on how to use these end points here
End points to retrieve asset collections by media type
You can get asset filtered by media type (image, video, etc)
GET api/rest/dam/asset/{media type}
to get an infinite list
GET api/rest/dam/asset/{media type}/list
to get a paginated list
You can find more details on how to use these end point here
Debugging automatic configuration generation
You can get the autogeneration log in the "Debugging the configuration" section of the Designer API:
The log (formatted) appears presented as in the example below: the generated resources (as well as those that are explicitly excluded) are shown (1) with the automatically determined configuration properties (2), as well as the automatically selected fields (as well as the excluded fields) with their automatically assigned properties (2), with below the reason(s) for the property value (3).