How Plugins Work

How Plugins Work


Plugins are folders that resides into the _san/_perso/_plugins folders. They are often unique to a Wedia installation and solve a single customization issue. It is a good practice to avoid to have plugins depending on other plugins.

Plugins are loaded at startup, and executed via triggers, workflow events, business services.

They can also be hooked on back-office and front-office page executions, which is a handy way to modify a standard behaviour to make it your own.


In the Admin back-office a "Plugin" entry list all the available plugins. Each plugin may be activated or deactivated. Each plugin can be configured from this interface. this interface also allows for localizing plugins, extracting them as a zip file, and updating them with a new version.


Plugins may be deployed

  • using the with standard NAR installation

  • directly via the Plugin interface in the Admin back-office.

  • by moving directly the folder containing your plugin in the _san/_perso/_plugin directory if you have access to it, and ask the Admin Plugin interface to rescan the _plugins directory to see it appear in the plugins list

Plugins don’t come with a datamodel : if your plugin depend on a object and values you should bundle it as a .NAR file that contains the plugin and the associated objects and values.

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