Thesaurus management

Thesaurus management

A new Thesaurus management is available via the plugin WXM_Thesaurus. The plugin is integrated in Wedia’s engine by default.

You can reach this module through an URL of the following scheme : form_action=thesaurus&form_object=ObjectToEdit

On this URL, you will find this following screen :

On the left side, you can navigate through the different instances of the edited object.

Since thesaurus objects have a “tree-like” structure : you can access specific terms by extending a node and click on any child node, called a specific.

By clicking on any term, in the tree, the view on the right side will be updated and can be edited as wished.

Let’s review in details the different options you have on the left side and their behavior :

  • Search :

First of all, you can search by 2 different fields : labels and status. You are able to change from one to another by clicking on the loop located on the left of the search field :

Once you selected a option, you are ready to search through records.

While typing, in this field, AJAX request is sent to the server and a drop down list with matched records is displayed.

In the first place, the drop down is populated with terms “starting with” the search entry. Then, if the number of result is inferior to the max set in the options, terms which “contain” the search entry will be added up to the limit set in the search options (see below).

Once you found the label of the term you want to select, click on it to filter the records in the grid.

On the toolbar, you will find a button called Options, this button can be used to configure the search conditions.

Click on this button to display the following pop-up :

  1. Synonym Search : If you search a synonym in search field, the term to which the synonym is attached will be displayed, and you will be able to reach it.

  2. Number of search proposal : This is the number of search proposal displayed in the drop down menu to filter the grid. Increasing this number will result in longer search time.

Note that by default search synonym is activated and the number is set to 10. You can change these numbers at any time on this pop-up.

  • Adding a new instance :

You have two possibilities for adding a new instance to the edited object :

Add a root-level term

If you want to add a term to the first level of the tree-structure, use the first option called “Add a generic“, the following video show you the different steps of such an action :

You only need to provide the label of the term in you current locale. Once created, the term is selected and you can edit it on the right view.

Tip : You can’t have two terms with the same level in root level, if you try to do so, an alert message will be displayed and creation will be cancelled.

Add a child term

If you want to add a specific term to one of the term in the grid, first select it then click the second button in the drop down menu “Add” called “Add a tag”, those steps are reminded in the following video :

As for adding a generic, you only need to provide the label in your current lcoale. The added term will be added and displayed as a specific of the firstly selected term.

Tip : Let’s call a branch a root-level term with all its specifics and sub-specifics… In a branch, you are not able to have two terms with the same label.If you try to do so, an alert message will be displayed and creation will be cancelled.

  • Removing an instance :

In case an instance is no longer needed in the thesaurus object, you can remove it by clicking on the “remove” button. A confirmation pop-up will be displayed.

Note that all specific terms will be also removed, use this button carefully and wisely.

Below, the steps required to remove a term :

To be known : you might have an error with the mention “this instance is used in the object and can’t be removed”. This is due to the fact that this instance is used as a related in an other term and therefore can’t be removed. This protects you against the fact of removing used terms and leaving some blank references.

  • Merge terms :

On the toolbar, you will find a link leading to the same window “Merge“ that you can find in the datalist. This window enables you to merge an instance with another.

Select the instance you want to merge, then click the merge “button”, the very same window as in the datalist will appear, it runs exactly the same.

  • Mass modifying :

On the toolbar, you will find a link leading to the same window “Mass modify“ that you can find in the datalist. This window enables you to modify several instances at the same time.

First select all the instances you want to modify in the grid, then click on the link to use it. If you don’t select any records in the grid, all the instances might be impacted by any modifications, use this window with care.

It then runs exactly the same as in the datalist.

  • Drag and Drop

You have the possibility to drag and drop rows on the grid, this will result in a generic change. The whole term (including its specifcis, sub-specifics and so on) is moved as a specific of the dropped term.

As stands, note that you are not able to set the term back to root level by dragging-and-dropping a term, you have options on the right-side panel to do it, please refer to this section if you want to achieve such action.

We are now done with the different features provided by the left side, let’s move to the right panel and see what it offers :

As explained in the introduction , the right side layout can be considered as the details of the selected node on the left. It shows you further information for a node :

  1. ID :

  2. Labels

  3. Generic term if there is one

  4. Related term(s) *

  5. Synonym(s) *

  6. Specific term(s) if there are any

Fields with * are not mandatory in the thesaurus structure, if the correct tags (respectively thesaurus/related and thesaurus/usedfor) are not configured in the admin view, these fields won’t appear in the form.

Any modification on a term should be followed by a “save“ action. You can, of course, do several actions on a term before saving. However, selecting a new term on the left without saving will result in a loss of all your actions.

ID :

It represents the ID of the instance and can’t be modified, only shown as info.

Labels in all i18n fields :

You can find all the labels in all the locales ( i18n fields) that are configured in the Object management panel. You have to possibility to modify all those fields, if you modify the name in the current locale, both panels will be updated with new datas.

Generic :

This field represents the generic term of the selected one ( the parent one). It can be empty in case the selected term is a root-level term. If it’s not, it means the term is a specific.

You can only have one generic per term.

The generic is displayed as a tag and you can interact with it in several ways :

  1. Affecting→ If this field is empty, as you type, search on available generic terms will be made and you will be able to click on one of them, this will be then affect the clicked term as a generic of this one.

  2. Removing → By clicking the delete button, it will remove the generic term, and the term is sent back to root-level

  3. Click on the tag allows you to navigate to this term on the tree and edit it, you can then easily navigate through terms.

These are the three and only three available operations here, if you can’t create a new term here, if the propositions don’t include what you need, create it on the left with “Add“ menu and then affect it.

Related :

This field acts exactly the same as the generic one and you have the very same operations available and same restrictions. The only difference resids in the fact that there can be several related terms attach to one.

Removing one of them won’t remove the term, it will only be removed as a related but will stay in the hierarchy as a term.

Clicking on of the tags will leads you to the clicked term in order to do actions of your will on this term.

Synonym :

Synonyms act a bit different as they are not member of the hierarchy on the left, they are here to add information to a term. For example, it can be the term but with a different syntax in order to find it with the search.

As you type, you will find a drop-down completed with the matched synonym in the thesaurus affected to an other term, selecting one will reaffect the synonym to the selected term.

If you want to create a synonym, write down the wanted name then press “Enter”, it will be created.

Clicking on a synonym will give you the opportunity to edit this synonym, you can therefore change labels in all i18n fields configured, and workflow.

Here is a video showing the creation, edit and reaffectation of a synonym :

Specific terms :

This field shows you all the specifics of this term and enables you to navigate to them to do actions of your will.

This is a readonly field, if you wan to add a new specific for this term, use the left side action as we described it before.

On this right panel, you will find two actions in the toolbar :

  • Back root :

It acts exactly the same as if you click, on the cross located in the tag in the generic field → it will send back a term to root level.

  • Workflow update

This button enables you to modify the status of the selected term only. Then you don’t need to use mass modify.

As you click on it : a pop-up will appear and shows you the current status , and all the workflow action you can achieve knowing the current state. By default, the first action available is selected, you will find them all in the drop down.

Changes will be directly reflected on the grid :

On the top right, you have a button to redirect you to the standard datalist if you want to switch beetween views. Both shows you the very same information but this view is meant to be handier and shows the link between a term and its generic term and specific terms.

Note that some actions are not currently available in this view as translation or csv export for example.