Release notes for 11.27.0

11.27.0 Release Notes


Project - Wedia
Version - 11.27.0
Release Date - 2020-10-30


No stories were part of this version.

New Feature


Priority Key Summary Status
Normal WXM-8959 Synonyms are now automatically removed from Thesaurus when a term is deleted Done
Major WXM-8909 Improved the design of the backoffice boards with a new toolbar Done
Normal WXM-8906 The selection is now common for all asset collections Done
Normal WXM-8879 Thesaurus now offer a synonym search Done
Normal WXM-8875 Thesaurus now offer a autoComplete search Done
Major WXM-8868 Improved the sessions management between BO / FO Done
Normal WXM-8846 Added a new "Analyzing" status when metadata are extracted from the uploaded asset Done
Normal WXM-8838 Improved responsiveness of the Content Picker Done
Minor WXM-8820 The HelperAttachment.purgeFilename method is now @user Done
Minor WXM-8819 Package Imagemagick-wedia upgraded to 7.0.10-34 Done
Critical WXM-8804 Multiple performance improvements Done
Minor WXM-8787 Board names are now limited to 200 chars Done
Normal WXM-8776 Google AI tags are now part of the DAM_UTILS extractions Done
Normal WXM-8774 Media Repeater will now randomize the server list to even the load Done
Normal WXM-8773 Media Repeater settings now manage an IP BlackList for topology script Done
Normal WXM-8769 Variation API now offer options for downloading files Done
Normal WXM-8765 Wedia now support mySQL 8.0.22 Done
Normal WXM-8764 Advanced search form now support tabbed navigation Done
Normal WXM-8757 PDF conversion speed has been greatly accelerated Done
Minor WXM-8747 Plugins are now sorted by name in plugins.xml Done
Minor WXM-8732 Labels now longer than 30 chars are ellipsed in filters Done
Minor WXM-8731 The english translation now uses "Asset" in replacement for "Media" Done
Normal WXM-8721 Added a transfer upload batch to another user function Done
Normal WXM-8712 The status and collection change progress is now displayed with a snack bar Done
Minor WXM-8711 Added new performance trackers : ConcurrentsUpdate ,Elasticsearch addToIndex Done
Normal WXM-8706 Uploaded batch can be removed Done
Minor WXM-8704 Added a notification when an asset is updated Done
Minor WXM-8703 Allow indexing more than 1000 assets Done
Normal WXM-8698 Added a "Legal Mentions" page including the OpenSource licences Done
Normal WXM-8696 WXM_Preheating_cache can be set up using the Variation API names Done
Normal WXM-8692 The language select turns into a select for more than 3 languages Done
Normal WXM-8675 Created an APIBusinessServiceException Done
Minor WXM-8664 The complete asset name is displayed in a tooltip when truncated Done
Major WXM-8659 Allow testing specific security rules when searching for data or retrieving an instance Done
Normal WXM-8656 It is now possible to setup which page the top left logo should redirect you to Done
Normal WXM-8653 Prevent users to add archived assets to boards and only online assets boards Done
Normal WXM-8651 The keyword fusion can now be applied to any object with the "show_mergewith" tag Done
Normal WXM-8639 Media Cloud now offer a Translate API Done
Major WXM-8638 Now jobs send event notifications Done
Critical WXM-8636 Fulltext API was not Thread Safe Done
Normal WXM-8635 Wrap the forbidden file suffix rejection exception in a more specific API error Done
Minor WXM-8634 Removed synchronized on hotupdate Done
Normal WXM-8631 Added information in the errors when not obtaining a lock Done
Normal WXM-8604 Lockoutservice improvements for API call with wrong credentials Done
Normal WXM-8573 Renew RDMS connexions when they are are open since a long time Done
Critical WXM-8572 Tiles display modes in the portal have been rewritten Done
Major WXM-8570 Added a new page after new asset submission Done
Normal WXM-8566 The "star" to save search is now an explicite button Done
Normal WXM-8556 Added more visual feedback when uploading a forbidden file type Done
Minor WXM-8549 Remove analytics logging from the REST_API Done
Minor WXM-8546 Added "sort" in boards and saved searches Done
Normal WXM-8542 New commands for imaging: layout, test, density Done
Normal WXM-8528 Removed spinners during indexation job runs and replaced them with a snackbar Done
Normal WXM-8508 Supports cookie auth mode with SSO OAUTH2 Done
Normal WXM-8502 Handle access refused on SSO Done
Normal WXM-8489 Allow pasting from Excel in a multi-value select Done
Minor WXM-8448 Assets can be deleted in the upload area Done
Normal WXM-8432 The editable fields are now blue when hovered, rather than outlined with dotted lines Done
Normal WXM-8429 Upload process can now offer an optional naming convention guideline Done
Normal WXM-8425 sameSiteCookies are now in "strict" mode Done
Normal WXM-8423 The password recovery process is now monitored and locked if attacked Done
Normal WXM-8422 Plugin config.xml JSON default node improvements Done
Critical WXM-8421 Boards are now displayed with an infinite scrolling list Done
Major WXM-8374 DAM UTIL can now prevent execution from MassImport Done
Normal WXM-8371 Media tiles in the portal can now show their status Done
Normal WXM-8369 Added a fulltext search on imported assets Done
Major WXM-8314 Indexation jobs will display status notifications Done
Major WXM-8306 Support infinite scrolling in mass import Done
Normal WXM-8304 Allow disabling fields in the taggin area by configuration Done
Major WXM-8302 Show duplicate in mass upload if the information is available Done
Major WXM-8299 Manage status and collection change in the upload assets explorer Done
Major WXM-8297 Support Cookie authentication with SSO Done
Normal WXM-8285 Added a "create a board from saved search" Done
Normal WXM-8284 The mouse selection will not work with scrolling Done
Normal WXM-8278 Icon to minimize widgets on the dashboard has been improved Done
Normal WXM-8264 Added a configuration to remove collection display in header : damDisplayContextsFilter Done
Normal WXM-8263 Added Copy to clipboard multiple metadata from Asset Detail Done
Normal WXM-8253 Asset uploads can be transferred to another user Done
Normal WXM-8242 Added a Java API to get the simulation of an imported item Done
Normal WXM-8230 Playlists now support 3D assets Done
Normal WXM-8191 Added shift-click in selection behaviour Done
Normal WXM-8148 Uploading in the DAM from InDesign now shows a spinner during upload Done
Normal WXM-8086 When inserting an image, the image toolbar is now lower positionned Done
Critical WXM-8034 Portal now uses cookie based auth rather than JWT Done
Normal WXM-8017 Redesigned buttons for all image and document players Done
Normal WXM-7985 DRUPAL : plugin is now compatible with Drupal version 9 Done
Normal WXM-7860 Implement the Akamai CDN and Cache for URL generated from the Variation API Done
Normal WXM-7744 Powerpoint previews can now uses the client fonts Done
Normal WXM-7665 Use the predicted AI values in the DAM_UTILS Done
Normal WXM-7149 Docker image for ImageMagick / ImagingServer Done
Normal WXM-7080 Improved large PDF displays on old browsers Done
Normal WXM-6949 Switch the selection box to the right for unification between BO / Portal Done
Normal WXM-6948 Added new Boolean filter style in filter toolbar Done
Major WXM-6815 Replace the planned retirement of the Azure Video summarization Done
Major WXM-6727 Sharing via Social Network will use the DXM codes Done
Normal WXM-6653 New and Assign buttons have been moved to the end of form fields Done
Normal WXM-6617 Report AMSV3 for billing Done
Major WXM-6550 Transfer the application cookie to the user's cookie Done
Minor WXM-6012 New admin role : RestoreViewer Done
Major WXM-5817 Improved duplicate finder by implementing a new "hamming_distance" method Done
Major WXM-4814 The embed code cannot be used if DXM is not subscribed Done
Critical WXM-3572 Dylation scale factor rules are now supported Done


Priority Key Summary Status
Minor WXM-8985 Clé de traduction manquante en mulitupload S3 et FTP Done
Blocker WXM-8978 Datalist : ElasticException caused by sort Done
Normal WXM-8965 Player EVP : Aucune source compatible sur certains navigateurs Done
Minor WXM-8847 Playlists with many assets are now correctly displayed Done
Normal WXM-8755 Escape URI component in edge location URL Done
Normal WXM-8718 The list of users that can be assigned a batch now has a load more button Done
Normal WXM-8713 Fixed navigation issues in the restore admin screen Done
Minor WXM-8702 Fixed the display of a negative property in a plugin configuration page Done
Normal WXM-8701 Fixed an issue where the CGU should be mandatory Done
Critical WXM-8691 Fixed issues on Dylation when changing page format Done
Normal WXM-8681 The "Send an asset via email" option should not be active without "I acknowledge..." checked Done
Normal WXM-8662 The Saved Search popup had no x to close it Done
Normal WXM-8661 Base_edit_list, ... were not applied to "user" object Done
Minor WXM-8660 Toggle fullscreen on video player : Double click did not work Done
Normal WXM-8632 Fixed the locking system in case of concurrent calls in create or update service Done
Normal WXM-8627 Stopwatches on the createorupdate service are now saved Done
Normal WXM-8626 Trees in assign metadata are now properly alpha-sorted Done
Normal WXM-8624 Problem with the props filter (consistency properties of children) Done
Normal WXM-8618 Cart copy API output format is now serialized Done
Normal WXM-8614 Dylation custom formats could not be imported/exported in .csv Done
Minor WXM-8576 Fixed a "non renseigné" erroneous display Done
Minor WXM-8558 In response/context, bad mapping of resources Done
Major WXM-8551 Session is now invalidated at the end of a SSO logout Done
Major WXM-8541 Fixed a bug that prevented modifying the HeaderSecurity settings Done
Normal WXM-8531 Template: after uploaded the spaces in textframe are deleted Done
Critical WXM-8526 Access to asset from board is broken if user doesn't have access rights to the asset Done
Normal WXM-8513 Lazy configurations not up to date Done
Normal WXM-8510 Swagger are now only exposed to selected roles (administrateur, developper, apioperators, apiwatcher, watchers) Done
Minor WXM-8486 The tag sizes were not always the same in tree filters Done
Normal WXM-8417 Ignore limit on aggregations with treeCount Done
Normal WXM-8397 Added a way to disable search in very large tree filters (wxm_folder/no_search + popinlist_search_tree/no_search) Done
Normal WXM-8294 Removed an erroneous billing job for transcript even if no transcript required Done
Normal WXM-8240 Added the UUID in the /metadata API response Done
Normal WXM-8232 Allow bigger selection size on mass update Done
Normal WXM-8228 Impossible to open .wedia archives, directly coming from the 'SAN' server, into an indesign desktop Done
Normal WXM-8199 Fix noop error and double "&" in dam/transform API Done
Normal WXM-8054 Asset.folder should not be labelled wxm_folder. Done
Normal WXM-8021 Media Cloud should not be called for delete if not activated Done
Normal WXM-7988 dpkg1.gpg on Debian repository has been commited Done
Normal WXM-7961 WORDPRESS : the crop HxL should be not constrained Done
Normal WXM-7538 Support replaceCrByBR attribute on Portal Done