Wedia Cfg Server And Desktop Configuration

Wedia Cfg Server And Desktop Configuration

Configuring specific Print behaviour

The wedia.cfg configuration file allows InDesign Wedia plug-in to handle specific behaviour, and template to database mapping.

The wedia.cfg may be installed on Desktop or Server.

Server installation

When installing Wedia PlugIns on a server, the wedia.cfg file must be deployed into the preferences directories of Adobe InDesign applications:

  • Windows XP:: C:\Documents and Settings\user_name\Application Data\Adobe\InDesign Server\Version 6.0…​

  • Windows Vista/7/8/10:: C:\Users\user_name\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\InDesign Server\Version 11.0\fr_FR…​

  • MacOs:: /Users/user_name/Library/Preferences/Adobe Indesign/Version X/fr_FR…​

Here is a typical example of a wedia.cfg file deployed on an InDesign server:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <wedia> <!--Technical instance parameters--> <network> <http port="8005"/> </network> <ncm> <san path="C:\SANRobot"/> </ncm> <logs level="debug" path="C:\Wedia\Logs\CC2015Server\"/> <!--Default functional parameters--> <pref> <zip extractLocalFonts="false"/> <modify dylation="true" insertTabBeforeBR="true" useFieldCache="true"> <jpg/> </modify> <report reportImgFit="false"/> <html escapeDash="true" white-space="normal"/> <colors> <color cmyk="C=78,M=82,Y=23,K=14" mapped="true" name="C=78,M=82,Y=23,K=14" rgb="#4e3f70"/> <color cmyk="C=92.85,M=74.31,Y=1.16,K=0" mapped="true" name="Wedia_C=92.85,M=74.31,Y=1.16,K=0" rgb="#0000FF"/> </colors> <pdf template="PDFX3 2002"/> <doc dpi="144" quality="high" useHD="false"/> </pref> <!--Specific functional parameters for prefix recette--> <pref prefix="recette"> <zip extractLocalFonts="false"/> </pref> </wedia>

The wedia.cfg file is divided into several parts detailed below:

InDesign Server instance technical parameters


<network> <http port="8005"/> </network>

The http port parameter specifies the listening port of the plug-in. It is also configured in the Wedia engine administration interface or in the ReverseProxy. It allows communication between the Wedia engine and the indesign server plug-in. It is imperative that this port is configured on the same number both at the plug-in side and at the administration side.

ncm (noheto content managment)

<ncm> <san path="C:\SANRobot"/> </ncm>

The san path parameter points the plug-in to an absolute FS path. This directory, called SANRobot, is a secure workspace for the plug-in.


<logs path="C:\Wedia\Logs\CC2015Server\" (1) level="debug" (2) />
  1. path is an absolute FS path where to create the log files

  2. level specifies the level of details for the traces written into the log files.
    There are three handled levels:


report as much information as possible. This parameter is mainly used in debug mode to trace all the actions performed by the plug-in.


provides information on errors or explicit messages given for information purposes.


errors only

Functional parameters

In this chapter, you’ll find a description of all the functional attributes affecting the Wedia plug-in behaviour and its document rendering.
Their use in the Default functional parameters part of the sample Wedia.cfg file sets default values for all the customers using the server instance. We will see in the last chapter how to specify a particular attribute value for a given customer prefix.

zip (wedia archive unzipping)

<zip extractLocalFonts="false"/>

extractLocalFonts tells the plug-in where to decompress the fonts files of a wedia archive: either in the local "Document Fonts" package subdirectory or directly into the InDesign server application. It can avoid some strange font locking issues already faced in production.

modify (wxml request preferences)

<modify useFieldCache="true" (1) dylation="true" (2) insertTabBeforeBR="true" (3) close="true" save="true" > <jpg/> (4) </modify>
  1. useFieldCache: HTML contents can be stored into a cache managed by the Wedia Plugin. Its use improve performance by avoiding unnecessary text imports, if the contents have not been modified since the last document composition call. If the parameter is set to "true", only the modified contents are imported, if it’s set to "false", all contents are imported each time the document is composed.

  2. dylation activates or not the dynamic adaption code

  3. insertTabBeforeBR : if set to true, automatically inserts a forced tab before each line break, but only when texts have a justified alignment type.

  4. modify element children: For each WXML modify, the plug-in can automatically create several jpg or pdf previews. This fills the Wedia Engine cache to avoid later composition calls.
    By default, the plug-in creates a real size jpg preview of the composed document. You can add one or more preview creation directives and specify their parameters. (jpg and pdf preferences are described below)

The modify element child nodes have to be modified by qualified persons and at the server side only!

The following attributes can be used on the desktop for debugging purpose.
It’s not required to set them on the server.


specifies whether the document should be saved by the plug-in. If parameter is missing, the document is saved each time it is composed.


specifies whether the document should be closed by the plug-in after composition.

report (wxml request preferences)

<report reportImgFit="false"/>

reportImgFit tells the plug-in to make image fit attribute persistent in the WXML.
We advise you to set reportImgFit to "false" to allow image cropping operations in the Wedia UI. If set to "true", the WXML fit attribute will prevail!

html (filter preferences)

<html escapeDash="true" (1) white-space="normal" (2) />

For the moment, only HTML text contents are supported inside the Wedia application. The indesign plug-in implements its own HTML import/export filter whose behavior can be parameterized.

  1. escapeDash attribute has been introduced to fix a production issue. Dash escaping is done by default to export CSS compliant styles names.

  2. white-space attribute indicates how the separators have to be serialized in text fields

Accepted values for white-space attribute


all consecutive separators are replaced by a single space (HTML standard behaviour)


the text will be displayed as it appears in the incomping HTML buffer, respecting spaces, tabs and line breaks.

colors (mapping preferences)

We offer the ability to set font colors through the Wedia UI. We are using Web text editors, like CK editor, and color definitions are in RGB mode. Because it’s not so easy to transform RGB colors into CMYK ones, we have introduced a mapping from RGB to CMYK.

<colors> <color cmyk="C=78,M=82,Y=23,K=14" mapped="true" name="C=78,M=82,Y=23,K=14" rgb="#4e3f70" /> <color cmyk="C=92.85,M=74.31,Y=1.16,K=0" mapped="true" name="Wedia_C=92.85,M=74.31,Y=1.16,K=0" rgb="#0000FF" /> </colors>
  • name and rgb are values displayed and used in the front-end editor.

  • cmyk is the corresponding value which will be use by the PlugIn HTML filter to serialize the right CMYK definition

doc ("full variation preview" preferences)

This sets the default parameters only used for "real size" document preview (FULL variation of Wedia Engine).

<doc quality="low" (1) useHD="false" (2) dpi="72" (3) />
  1. quality: indicates which compression level to use for the rendering. The lower is the quality the more compressed is the file. Available parameters are: low, medium and high

  2. useHD: forces InDesign to use the real HD image links instead of the internal LD thumbnails stored inside a document.

  3. dpi: desired preview resolution

output preview size in pixels = real document size * resolution

It’s not possible to set all of theses three parameters in the same time. If you set an output size as is the case for all variations (except FULL), it is impossible to change the DPI, the actual size of the document being a constant in our preview operation.

jpg (modify children preferences)

As mentioned in the modify preferences section, it is possible to generate document previews within a modify. This directive uses the previously described doc quality/useHD parameters. You just need to set the output sizes. If nothing is specified, a FULL preview is calculated as in the Wedia.cfg example.

<modify ...> <jpg/> <jpg width="500" height="500" /> </modify>

width and height are both optional and set the output sizes in pixels

pdf (preview preferences)

This sets the default PDF export profile to use when nothing is passed as HTTP preview request parameter.

<pdf template="my_joboption_file" (1) security="true" (2) password="mdp" />
  1. template indicates which .joboptions profile must be used to render the pdf file.

  2. security and password are used when security options have been set in the pdf export profile



Before using imagingserver, image file previews were computed inside the indesign plug-in. It was possible to adjust the thumbnail creation using the same syntax as the doc preview preference.

Experimental functional parameters

cache (document, server only)

<cache active="true"/>

active if set, the plug-in can maintains a stack of 10 open documents. It avoids cosful I/O operations but does not work with several instances running at the same time.


The HTML filter is able to handle the <a> element. It imports the pointed resource as an inline page item anchored in the text flow.

<anchor imgDPI="100" widthRatio="0.7"/>

Specific functional parameters per customer

The parameters previously described can be mutated or specialized for each of the customer working on the same indesign instance.

We advise to group all customer-specific settings within a separate structure, as in the Wedia.cfg sample file.

You just have to add the customer prefix inside a new Pref block.

<!--Specific functional parameters for prefix recette--> <pref prefix="staging"> <zip extractLocalFonts="false"/> </pref>

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