Wedia Content Picker Licensing Documentation

Wedia Content Picker Licensing Documentation


This documentation is intended only for Wedia Account Managers responsible for configuring the licensing for Wedia Content Pickers.

There is currently no product feature that provides access to pickers by user. Therefore, in project settings, authorized users must be granted access to applications through dedicated security rules.

The Wedia Content Picker can be licensed to different applications such as CP Drupal, Figma, Canva, Adobe, and Office.

  • In order to use the Drupal, WordPress and Figma pickers, the user must have the necessary rights and security permissions on the application assetpicker.

  • In order to use the Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, Outlook, Excel pickers, the user must have the necessary rights and security permissions on the application officeassetpicker.

  • In order to use the Adobe Photoshop, InDesign, Illustrator pickers, the user must have the necessary rights and security permissions on the application cp.adobe.

The Canva picker is directly based on the REST API and cannot be disabled in its current state.


It is possible to customize application names for finer-grained licensing through the build configuration (.wediaportalrc). To do this, change the values of the keys vue_app_context (for portal), vue_app_context_asset_picker (for Drupal and Figma pickers), and vue_app_context_office_asset_picker (for Office pickers).


If access is to be granted by role, it is possible to add one or more checkboxes that provide the necessary permissions in the role management interface.

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