Wedia Dassault 3DS Connector
Wedia offers a connector to Dassault 3DS suite (connector_3ds plugin) which can retrieve assets (images, videos, documents …) from 2 modules of Dassault’s 3DS app :
For the data retrieval, can specify particular servers to access through settings in the plugin (connector_3ds), you can also define target structures for both assets and folder instances to be created.
Both modules present a file/folder tree structure, so the import for these modules also creates folders, enabling users to filter or find their files more easily afterward.
In order to connect to the modules, the plugin utilizes one or multiple variables from its settings.
To connect to xpb, it uses only xpb_server 's value
To connect to 3D drive, it uses dddx_server, dddx_3ddrive_service, dddx_3ddrive_tenant and dddx_3ddrive_resource_path.
Credentials for connecting to the modules are also configured as plugin variables.
This plugin comes with few endpoints allowing users to call the import actions :
Synchronization with XPB module, creates/updates all concerned instances on the DAM
Synchronization with WPB module, creates/update files
Synchronization with WPB module, creates/update folder
Synchronization with WPB module, creates/update all concerned instances according to parameters passed to the endpoint call
Synchronization with WPB module, creates/update all tags
3D Drive :
Synchronization with 3D Drive module, creates/updates all concerned instances on the DAM
Synchronization with 3D Drive module, creates/updates all concerned instances on the DAM, but the action is asynchronous, the user does not have to wait for the action to be finished, the import is launched in a separate thread.
Synchronization with 3D Drive module, creates/updates all concerned instances on the DAM which were modified/created on 3D Drive during the last 24 hours
The plugin also includes dashboard widgets for the BO, enabling users to launch synchronization tasks quickly and easily.
The widget presents a “Synchronize” button. When the button is clicked, all the content from XPB is synchronized =>
3D Drive, itpresents 2 buttons :
“Synchronize all content” button. When the button is clicked, all the content from 3D Drive is synchronized =>
“Synchronize last 24 hours” button. When the button is clicked, all the last content from 3D Drive is synchronized =>
Evolution & improvement
This plugin has been made for 2 modules of the 3DS app. To import data from an other module, we have to make it evolve, by adding services, plugin parameters and widgets.