API Business Services - End of process trigger

API Business Services - End of process trigger

Implement the com.noheto.restapi.ProcessEndHookAdapter class for processing after a treatment has been completed


Class com.noheto.restapi.ProcessID defines types of hook:

  • STATUS_CHANGEthis hook is triggered when a mass status change is done

  • MASSIMPORT_PUBLICATIONthis hook is triggered when item are published from uploadV1 or creative workflow

  • MASSIMPORT_ASSET_PUBLICATIONthis hook is triggered after the publication of one asset
    The difference with MASSIMPORT_PUBLICATION is that this hook is triggered for each asset, and not at the end of an asset batch publication (for all items). It therefore only concerns a single asset, and is more targeted to manage what needs to be done when the asset is published, without waiting for all the assets to be published. However, unpublished assets (rejected at the time of publication) cannot be managed by this hook.


boolean processEnd(ObjectContext object, String processId, String serviceId)

Use this method to select the component for the treatment you wish to complete.


  • object (class com.noheto.restapi.ObjectContext) describes the main object processed. Never null, but getObjectType(), getStructure() and getTable() may return null if no database object is particularly concerned.

  • processId (String) the ID of process to complete (never null). The class com.noheto.restapi.ProcessID lists all process identifiers.

  • serviceId (String) the ID of API service (may be null)

void processEnd(ProcessEndContext context)

This method is called for this instance of ProcessEndHookAdapter if the method processEnd(ObjectContext , String, String) returns true for the current execution context.

Methods of ProcessEndContext

  • getProcessId()
    Gets process ID (never null, see constants in com.noheto.restapi.ProcessID)

  • getServiceId()
    Gets service ID (or null if no service is involved, see constants in com.noheto.restapi.ServiceId)

  • Collection<ProcessObject> getObjects()
    Gets a list of all processed objects (including those in error or not found). To determine whether an object is in error, you can test whether it implements com.noheto.restapi.ProcessObjectReject.
    Objects are not necessarily in the same processing order. The same object can only appear once.

  • Collection<ProcessObject> getModifiedObjects()
    Gets a list of all objects modified during processing

  • Collection<ProcessObjectReject> getRejectedObjects()
    Gets a list of all objects rejected during processing

  • String getObjectType()
    Gets the type of the object processed, or null, if several types are involved

  • Collection<String> getObjectTypes()
    Gets all object types processed

  • CTSurfer getSurfer()
    Gets the surfer

  • Map<String,String> getAdditionalParameters()
    Gets additional specific parameters (e.g. an API parameter)

  • Map<String,Object> getAdditionalProperties()
    Gets additional specific properties (e.g. a parent object)


This class is used to test processed objects.


  • Set<String> getModifiedProperties()
    Gets a list of database object properties that have been modified by the process only

  • boolean isModified()
    Returns true if the object is considered modified by the process

  • IObjectReadOnly getOldObject()
    Gets the database object instance before modification, if any. May return null if object did not exist.

  • IObjectReadOnly getNewObject()
    Gets the database object instance after modification, if any. May return null if object does not exist (if old object is not null, it has been deleted). Some hooks may concern object transformations or copies: new object is not necessarily the same identifier or even of the same type as old object.

  • ObjectReference getObjectReference()
    Returns object reference

  • Map<String,String> getOldValues()
    Returns the properties of the object processed prior to processing if it is not a database object

  • Map<String,String> getNewValues()
    Returns the properties of the processed object after processing if it is not a database object

  • Map<String,Object> getAdditionalProperties()
    Gets additional specific properties (e.g. a process status)


public class TestProcessEndHook extends ProcessEndHookAdapter { @Override public boolean processEnd(ObjectContext objectContext, String processId, String serviceId) { return StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase("testhook",objectContext.getObjectType()) // this component will only be executed if the object type is testhook && StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(ProcessID.STATUS_CHANGE,processId); // this component will only be executed for the "status_change" process } @Override public void processEnd(ProcessEndContext context) { Collection<ProcessObject> modified = context.getModifiedObjects(); // list of objects modified during the process Collection<ProcessObjectReject> rejected = context.getRejectedObjects(); // list of objects rejected during the process Map<String,String> additionalParameters = context.getAdditionalParameters(); System.out.println("additional parameters: " + additionalParameters); // displays additional parameters (here, the action identifier passed to the service) for(ProcessObject object : context.getObjects()) { // iterate over all processed objects ObjectReference ref = object.getObjectReference(); System.out.print(ref.getType()+"/"+ref.getId()); // displays UID of object if ( modified.contains(object) ) { // if the objet is modified... System.out.println(" modified "); // prints "modified" System.out.println("modified properties " + object.getModifiedProperties()); // then prints modified properties (i.e. status) System.out.println("old object: " + object.getOldObject()); // then prints the old instance System.out.println("new object: " + object.getNewObject()); // then prints the new instance for(String property : object.getModifiedProperties()) { // for each modified property System.out.print( property ); System.out.print( " " ); try { System.out.print( object.getOldObject().getProperty(property) ); // prints old value } catch (Throwable e) { System.out.print( e ); } System.out.print( " => " ); try { System.out.print( object.getNewObject().getProperty(property) ); // prints new value } catch (Throwable e) { System.out.print( e ); } System.out.println(); } } else if ( rejected.contains(object) ) { // if object is rejected System.out.print(" rejected "); // prints "rejected" ProcessObjectReject rejection = (ProcessObjectReject) object; String error = rejection.getError(); // then prints error if any if ( error==null ) { Throwable t = rejection.getThrowable(); if ( t!=null ) { error = t.getMessage(); } if ( error==null ) { error = "Unknown error"; } } System.out.print(" error= "); System.out.println(error); } else { System.out.println(" not modified "); // if object is neither modified nor rejected, prints "not modified" } } System.out.println("type: " + context.getObjectType()); System.out.println("types: " + context.getObjectTypes()); System.out.println("surfer: " + context.getSurfer()); } }

Here’s a sample display (api/rest/dam/data/testhook/workflow/1,2,42/activate):

additional parameters: {action=activate} testhook/1 not modified testhook/42 rejected error= Object not found 42 for action DAM/testhook testhook/2 modified modified properties [status] old object: testhook/2 new object: testhook/2 status 2 => 6 type: testhook types: [testhook] surfer: CTSurfer { connected:true , uid: user_42, id: 42, name: Jane Smith, roleId: 37, role: Contributor }

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