

Searching for assets

jQuery example

jQuery(function($){ var server = "http://localhost:8080"; var viewName = "assets"; // Returns 10 last added assets, with all properties $.get(server + "/restapi/v1/search", { viewname: "assets", orderby: "pcreated desc", from: 0, max: 10 }, function(res) { console.log(res); }); // Returns 50 assets name, category and thumbnail matching "black dress" $.get(server + "/restapi/v1/search", { viewname: "assets", props: "name, category.id, category.name, binary", fulltext: "black dress", from: 0, max: 50 }, function(res) { console.log(res); }); // Returns 10 assets name, category and thumbnail matching "gold", aggregated by asset type $.get(server + "/restapi/v1/search", { viewname: "assets", props: "name, category.id, category.name, binary", fulltext: "black dress", orderby: "pcreated desc", aggs: { type: { props: "name" } }, from: 0, max: 10 }, function(res) { console.log(res); }); });

JAVA example

// These code snippets use an open-source library. http://unirest.io/java String server = "http://localhost:8080" String viewName = "assets"; // Returns 10 last added assets, with all properties HttpResponse response = Unirest.get(server + "/restapi/v1/search") .header("Accept", "application/json") .field("viewname", "assets") .field("orderby", "pcreated desc") .field("from", "0") .field("to", "10") .asJson(); JSONObject jsonResponse = response.getBody().getObject(); System.out.println(jsonResponse.toString()); // Returns 50 assets name, category and thumbnail matching "black dress" response = Unirest.get(server + "/restapi/v1/search") .header("Accept", "application/json") .field("viewname", "assets") .field("props", "name, category.id, category.name, binary") .field("fulltext", "black dress"), .field("from", "0") .field("to", "50") .asJson(); jsonResponse = response.getBody().getObject(); System.out.println(jsonResponse.toString()); // Returns 10 assets name, category and thumbnail matching "gold", aggregation by asset type response = Unirest.get(server + "/restapi/v1/search") .header("Accept", "application/json") .field("viewname", "assets") .field("props", "name, category.id, category.name, binary") .field("fulltext", "black dress"), .field("from", "0") .field("to", "10") .field("aggs", "{ \"type\": { \"props\": \"name\" } }, from: 0, max: 10 }") .asJson(); jsonResponse = response.getBody().getObject(); System.out.println(jsonResponse.toString());

Update an asset

jQuery example // Updating asset caption $.post(server + "/restapi/v1/update", { actionName: "updateAsset", id: 42, prop_description: "the new description property value of asset #42" })

Approve an asset

jQuery example // Approving an asset_ $.post(server + "/restapi/v1/workflow", { actionName: "processAsset", id: 42, action: "approve" })

Retrieving trees

Getting a full tree

jQuery example

// Returns category tree $.get(server + "/restapi/v1/branch", { viewname: "categories", id: 0, depth: "infinite" }, function(res) { console.log(res); })

JAVA example

// Returns category tree response = Unirest.get(server + "/restapi/v1/branch") .header("Accept", "application/json") .field("viewname", "categories") .field("id", "0") .field("depth", "infinite") .asJson(); jsonResponse = response.getBody().getObject(); System.out.println(jsonResponse.toString());

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