Accessing Data : The Views

Accessing Data : The Views


The views allow to get information on any resource available in Wedia repository. It is a selection of the properties of a unit object in Wedia as well as the properties of the related objects.


To each view are an identifier and a JSON configuration associated.

JSON example

{ "objectname": "asset", "query": "", "orderby":"pcreated desc", "secured":true, "max":0, "from":0, "fulltext":"", "props": [ "id", "name", "status.id", "status.name" ], "aggs": { "category": { "props":["id","name","status.id"] } } }

Properties and sections

  • objectname: String - Object name (type)

  • description: String - Short description of view

  • query: String - Selection query (SQL syntax)

  • 11.19 parameterizedQuery: String or Object - Selection query as SQL syntaxe or JSON Query (allowing among other things to make the query parameterisable)

  • orderby: String - Sorting algorithm (SQL syntax)

  • 11.10 sortbyrelevance: Boolean - (Relevant only if query is fulltext) Indicate if results are sorted first by relevance (true) or not (false). Default to true

  • 11.10 sortbyrelevanceiforderby: Boolean - (Relevant only if query is fulltext) this property allows to deactivate sorting by relevance if an order by clause is configured. If this property is false, sortbyrelevance must be explicity to true to get result sorted by relevance if there is an order by set. Default to true.

  • Secured: Boolean - Indicate if we apply (true) or not (false) the security. Default to true

  • max: Integer - The maximum number of instance to export at each call (page size)

  • from: Integer - The index of the first instance to get (0 based index)

  • fulltext: String - A text based search criteria

  • props: Array of Strings - defines attributes that should be retrieved
    It is possible to export the properties of a linked object by adding a ‘.’ between the name of the property and the property name of the related object.
    E.g. for the name of the object, the status name of the object, and the status color code: [“name”, “status.name”, “status.color.name”].

  • aggs: Object<String, Object<String, Array of Strings>Aggregates section

    • Keys represent attributes on which aggregation informations should be computed. Array<String> represents list of properties that should be gathered for each aggregation result.

  • header: allows to add custom information regarding the service

  • 11.18 queryPolicies: object - allows you to manage rights on the requestable fields

  • 11.18 queryPoliciesByRoles: Object<string, object> - allows you to manage rights on the requestable fields, depending of role of the surfer


Two endpoints are available:

  • To get a view

  • To get the list of available views

EndPoint: Get a view


GET http://host:port/app/api/json/view/{viewName}{/id}
HEAD http://host:port/app/api/json/view/{viewName}{/id}


Legacy endpoint:

Supported methods: GET, HEAD


  • viewName: String - View identifier

  • props: String - Comma separated names and properties (only properties available in the view can be requested, if blank all properties will be displayed)

  • query: String - A selection request following JSON type specific language (to combine with the configured request). For long requests (above URL maximum length), request can be defined in the header X-WEDIA-QUERY, or in the body of the request (supported content types: application/json, text/json)).

  • orderby - String (SQL syntax): Sorting algorithm

  • 11.10 sortbyrelevance: Boolean - Overrides sortbyrelevance from configuration

  • secured: boolean - To apply or not the security (if configuration is applied, then security must be applied)

  • fulltext: String - The text based search criteria

  • from: Integer - Number of the first requested object

  • max: Integer - Maximum number of the requested objects

  • rawValues Boolean - Indicates if we apply the localization (false by default)

  • headers: Boolean - Indicates if headers are required (Cf. hereafter, response format) (false by default)

  • aggHeaders: Boolean - Indicates if aggregates headers are separated from or mixed with properties headers (true by default)

  • 11.10.2 id (or form_id): String - single resource query (without aggregates)

Response format

The property types are:

  • number (JSON type)

  • string (JSON type)

  • boolean (JSON type)

  • object (JSON type)

  • timestamp (Javascript timestamp )

  • resource (for a file)

  • separator (for a separator)





The view action from RESTAPI domain allows management of the endpoint call. There are two parameters:

  • surfer: surfer

  • viewName: the view identifier

Errors codes


API Code



API Code




Unknown view



Unreachable view (forbidden)



Object not found (single resource access)

EndPoint: list of available views


Legacy endpoint:

Supported methods: GET, HEAD


  • viewName: String - an optional Regular Expression filter (all accessible views are displayed by default)

  • headers: Boolean - Indicates if headers are required (Cf. hereafter, response format) (false by default).

Response format


The catalog action of the RESTAPI domain allows management of the endpoint call authorisation. There are two parameters:

  • surfer: surfer

  • endPoint: view value.

Errors codes


API Code



API Code




Unreachable catalog (forbidden)

Views mapping


The view mapping allows association to object types with views. Hence it is possible to know the appropriate view to determinate the link type property value depending on its nature (related object type).
The view mapping are shared between views and tree structure views: beware not to have a similar name for two views (usual or tree structure).


We can:

  • Associate an object nature with a view;

  • For a specific view, associate a nature with this view, this association has an higher priority than above;

  • For a specific view, and for an object property of this view, associate the nature with this view, this association has an higher priority than both above

JSON Example

For a x objet having prop1 property of child type and nature1 nature: the associated view will be view1, whatever the view where the object is.
For a x object x having prop1 property of child type and nature2 nature:

  • in the view view5, the associated view is view7

  • In the view view3, the associated view is view4

  • In all other views, the associated view is view2

For a x object having prop3 property of child type and nature2 nature:

  • in the view view5, the associated view is view6

  • In the view view3, the associated view is view4

  • In all other views, the associated view is view2