Adding Properties

Adding Properties


Objects contain per default nine properties. These are

  • id

  • Creation date

  • Last updated

  • Created by

  • parent

  • child

  • Status

  • Name

  • Enabled

It is possible to add, change and delete properties.

Add property

  1. Select object

  2. Add new property


  3. Specify field type

  4. Save


If possible define all necessary properties first, because properties that are added later will contain NULL values, which can break a process or at least cause a temporary problem.

Add file

  1. Select object

  2. Create new property of type file


  3. Checkbox Attachment will define if file can be used by other objects

  4. Save


If you want the contents of the file to be searchable, enable Indexation.

Add image

  1. Select object

  2. Create new property of type image

  3. Click Attachment if image should be removed when value is deleted

  4. apply tag gallery_image

  5. Save

Link image to object

  1. Select asset object

  2. Add new property

  3. Set Type to Child multiple long relational

  4. Select object to connect with

Delete property

  1. Check property that should be deleted

    → Delete properties button will appear

  2. Click Delete properties