Tracking Content History

Tracking Content History

The historization module allows you to trace various types of actions and to record them in the following ways view as a paginated list or as a timeline.

Tab History


What can be tracked?

  • Objects

  • Properties

  • Events


The values before and after are logged, if the requested properties are tagged. Otherwise there is general information about a modification only.

Enable historiography

  1. Ensure that the event and eventtype objects are present, and enable/disable the desired instances of eventtype.

  2. Open the administration view and click on Plug-in Manager

    1. Activate the plug-in WXM_Historize

    2. Parameters tab: Define in the EnableforObjects field the relevant objects


  3. Go to object (Administration > Object Management)

    1. Choose property

    2. Click on tab tags

    3. Add wxm/historize/text tag


    4. Repeat the steps for each other property that should be tracked

      ⇒ every localized field has to be tagged as well

Types of events tracked in the system

Actions plotted in the history are listed in the eventtype object.

Content creation

Add the wxm/historize label to the proper object configuration

Content modification

Add the wxm/historize label to the proper object configuration

Change of status

Add the wxm/historize label to the proper object configuration

Request a PDF version of a monodoc

Add the wxm/historize label to the monodoc object configuration

Request INDD version of a monodoc

Add the wxm/historize label to the monodoc object configuration

Imposition / Proposal to update content in a project

Add the wxm/historize label to the mediasharing object configuration

Acceptance of a proposal to update content in a project

Add the wxm/historize label to the mediasharing object configuration


Add the wxm/historize label to the object configuration that must itself have an ischeckedout field


Add the wxm/historize label in the configuration of the object that should itself have an ischeckedout field

Creating / Editing / Deleting a Post-it

Add the wxm/historize label to the stickynote object configuration

Creating / Editing / Deleting a comment

Add the wxm/historize label to the contentcomments object configuration



To avoid tracing one of these actions in the history, it is enough to disable the instance of the eventtype object corresponding to it OR to delete the wxm/historize label in the configuration of the object concerned.


The monodoc object must have the wxm/historize label in its configuration and the wxm/historize/archive label on its compofile field.

The creativedoc object must have the wxm/historize label in its tag and the wxm/historize/archive label on its file field.

The stickynote, contentcomments and mediasharing objects are used in the following ways will contain the wxm/historize label in their configurations.

WXM_History plugin

The parameters for this plugin are:


Actions for which the "History" tab is displayed


Objects for which the "History" tab appears (list of objects concerned by events)


Type of history display. The history can be displayed in "paginated list","timeline"mode, or in both modes.


Number of events per page in the display in "paginated list"mode.


Type of archive for .indd or .wedia documents.


Several labels are used:


To be added in the configuration of an object. Allows you to trace the object.


To be added on a single field of type "word" or "sentence" of the plotted object. This is the field that will be stored in the event. Since version 10.5.0, it is possible to add this label to several fields, regardless of their type (EXCEPT collection). In the case of an internationalized field, the label should be placed on all fields, not just the main field.


To be added on a single field of type "file" or "image" of the plotted object. If the "keepanarchive" field of the event is "yes", then the file will be stored in the event.


To be added on a single field of type "child" on "activated" (Since version 11.4.2 of the engine). If the value of this field is equal to 1, the historization will be stopped on the concerned instance.

Object Event

It is in this object that all the actions traced for the historization are stored.

The main fields are as follows:


Type of event


Name of the plotted object


Archived file when creating the event


Name of the object concerned by the event


ID of the object concerned by the event


Workflow name of the plotted object workflow


Previous status of the trace object (stored if status change occurs)


Current status of the plotted object


Media of the event


Date of the event


Mediagroup of the event _ (since 10.5.0)_


json flux of modified fields _ (since 10.5.0)_

Object Event type

This object lists the action types drawn for historizing.

The fields are as follows:


Action Code


Icon of the action


In some cases, you want to be able to keep (in the "archive" field of the "event"object) an archive of the document concerned.

  • .pdf or .wedia in the case of a .indd or .wedia file.

  • Original format in other cases

Track a new project event

To track an event that is not in the list of events plotted by the product, follow the steps below:

  • Add and enable an instance in the eventtype object:

    • Warning: the name field must not contain spaces or special characters.

    • It is possible to keep an archive of an object when recording an event of this type, for that, it is enough to check the box keepenarchive ⇒ in the object concerned by this type of events, it is necessary to add the label wxm/historize/archive to a single field of type file or image in the structure

    • Add translations of the title of this new instance in bundle files specific to the project, with the key pln_historize_event_<eventtype_name>.

  • Add the name of the object concerned by the event in the enableForObjects parameter of the plugin

  • Add the wxm/historize label to the object concerned by the event.

  • Use com.wedia.wxm.wxm.services.interfaces.IWxmHistorize and com.wedia.wxm.services.WxmHistorize. There are several methods createEvent (see Javadoc)

Technical considerations

A distinction must be made between traced object and object concerned by the event.

The traced object is the one on which we base ourselves to create an event, whereas the object concerned by the event is the object in which will appear the event.

Often, it is the same object.

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