Lock Manager

Lock Manager

The lock consultation screen is a dashboard which allows to have a quick and synthetic view on the whole features or entities used and locked within your WEDIA application.

The "locks" allow for other things:

  • to lock an instance when a user is editing the record, so that no other user can edit the master record until the first user is finished

  • lock a configuration screen, so that two users cannot change the configuration at the same time

  • lock a portion of code, so that the code runs at a time t only on one of the cluster’s servers


This screen shows all existing locks on all servers.
If the application is installed on a cluster, then this screen of any server has all the locks of all servers.

Unicity of a lock

The uniqueness of a lock is on the couple "Family"/"Sub-Family".

System families

The engine already manages some lock families:

  • ctobjectlock: used to lock a data instance during editing

  • httpservletsecurelock: used to lock certain administrative functions

  • wsnoheto.scheduler.scheduler: used by the "Task Scheduler" of the engine

ctobjectlock: Wedia instances locked

Each instance currently being edited (by BackOffice) or by using APIs appears in this table.

The instance is noted in the "SubFamily" with "[object name]/[instance identifier]".

For each lock, it is possible to see the creation date of the lock, the expiration date of the lock, and the user having locked this instance.


API to create a new lock is: wsnoheto.cluster.lock.CommonLock

class MonRunnable implements Runnable { final CommonLock maintenanceLock = new CommonLock("Famille", "sous-faille", TEMPS_DE_CAPTURE_DU_LOCK, 0) { }; void run() { try { try { maintenanceLock.obtainLock(Startup.isClustered()?Startup.getNodeName():"local"); // Code à exécuter sur une seule instance en cluster ou pas } finally { // on ne libere que si on l'a eu maintenanceLock.freeLock(); } } catch (CommonLock.AlreadyLockedException e) { } catch (CommonLock.TimeoutLockedException e) { } } }