

The "stopwatch" function allows you to visualize the response times to requests made on the current server.

When enabled, the Query Analyzer calculates the time it takes the server to process and return each request.



The different accessible tabs are:

  • Requests in progress

  • Last Requests

  • Longest requests

  • Error

  • Markers

  • SQL query in progress

Color code

Colour codes allow you to quickly identify the duration of queries.

Call detail

Clicking in the "Distribution" column of the desired query opens a more precise window:

Longest requests

This tab is special and has the longest URLs since the start of the functionality.

When a query is finished, the times are grouped by URL. This results in a cumulative distribution by call type.

For each line:

  • The start and end date are the dates of the longest request.

  • The IP source is the one of the longest request.

  • The execution time is that of the longest request.

  • The distribution contains the sum of all requests.

  • The column "Error" accumulates the number of error queries.


Refresh can be stopped at any time to allow time to read all the information.

When the refresh is reactivated, events that have occurred in the meantime will not be presented.


It is possible to capture the current state and make it a later viewable version.

  • This capture will contain all current page information.

  • It will be saved on the current server, under the name specified at the time of capture.

  • This information will be accessible later via the "Advanced Mode" button.

Advanced mode

Server versions


It is possible to

  • List the different captures made on the server.

  • Delete a version on the server.

  • Load a previous capture to view the chronometer screen as it was then.
    In this case, the chronometer screen will display all information as it was at the time of the capture.

  • Recover a file representing a capture.
    This file can be sent by email to a developer so that they can display the page via another WEDIA engine, without having access to this functionality on this server.

Upload to server

This makes it possible to send to the current server a captured capture recovered on another server.

This makes it easy to consult.

Thread Dump

Opens a new screen, without leaving the present screen, allowing to list the different threads existing at the level of the JVM.

View logs

Exit the current screen to go directly to the event observer.

The event observer is positioned on the logbook where all chronometer-related events are recorded.

In this log (and according to the level of logs) will be registered all the URLs that took some time.

Event log entry

In the logbook are recorded the different calls following the time they took.

Call duration

Log level

Call duration

Log level



10s or error








By default the log is configured with an "ERROR"level. This means that it only logs calls longer than 10 seconds, and the calls that cleared a mistake.

Stop the stopwatch

It is possible to stop the "chronometer" function.

Consultation of the activity

Exit the current screen to go to the "View activity" feature.

The numbers

Various global figures are available:

  • Number of current queries: Indicates the number of current HTTP queries.

  • Number of total requests: indicates the total number of HTTP requests processed by this server.

  • Max. number of simultaneous queries: indicates the maximum number of queries that have been processed at the same time since the "Stopwatch"function was last started.

  • CPU System used: Percentage of CPU activity of the entire operating system of the current server.

  • CPU JVM used: Percentage of current JVM CPU activity on the server.

  • Memory used: by the current JVM on the server.


This block shows in summary the various "Markers" that have been the most consuming since the start of the "Stopwatch" function.

An overview of each bar shows the name of the "Marker".

All markers are visible via the tab "Markers".

Add an applicative marker

Learn how to add an application marker

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