

Access to restore feature


You can find this feature in the /admin home page if you have one of the following roles :

  • Administators

  • BackupOperators

Lock the feature

The use of this feature requires exclusive access to prevent multiple restoration at the same time.

Pick or upload a file to restore


This screen shows the available files to restore from. They can come from a previous backup on the current server or from a previous upload. The files are physically stored in the backups directory under the SAN directory of your server. If your server is local, you can copy your file.nar in this directory and refresh this screen.

You can also select upload a local file to pick up a file to upload to the server.

The application WAR come with some default restore files which are not available in this screen with a fresh installation so if this list is empty, you can click on import NAR from WAR to save these files in your backups directory.

When you have selected your file, click next step.


The following steps are by default configured not to do any modification to your running instance. It prevents any fatal error to happen if you click too fast on Next step without being focused on your task.

Choose the structure, data and attached files to restore


This screen allows you to select items to restore from a backup. By default, every objects, data and attached files are restored so if you trust your restore file, you can click on next step.

You can also pick a subset of the data present in your restore file. The first line of the table allows you to filter objects and to apply restoration behaviours on them.

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From left to right, the different filters are :

object name pattern

filter on object name. \* is a joker ( ex : asset\* )

Object type

filter by object type within ( all, system, content, technical )

Presence in NAR

Filter object which exists or not in backup file

Presence in DB

Filter object which exists or not in DB.

Then, you have different choices to apply on selected objects.


  • Create / Replace: Drops any structure, data and attachments existing for this type of object then create a new structure from the backup.

  • Delete: Drops any structure, data and attachments existing for this type of object.

  • Manual Update: Next step will lead to a screen to resolve conflicts if any exist beetween backup and DB versions.

  • Automatic Update: Apply automatic update of structure if the backup an DB versions differ.

  • Ignore: The restore process won’t touch to existing structure and will try to apply compatible backup data on it.


  • Replace all: Drop any existing data before restoring those from backup file.

  • Selection: Next steps will contains a step to choose data to restore from file.

  • Nothing: Existing data are left as is.

  • Add all: Existing data are kept and file data are appended. IDs from the backup files may be shifted while restoring.

Files ( Not attachement )

  • All: Every files from backup are restored for the matching structure.

  • Selection: Next steps will contains a step to choose file to restore for the selected structures.

  • Nothing: Files from backup are entirely ignored.


The 'Files' choices deals with standard files and not attachments. Attachments are restored with their owning instances whatever choice you make for Files.

Manual management of structures conflicts

If you choosed manual update for some objects in the preceding screens, you will fall on the following screen.


Select an object on the left to resolve a conflict to see a screen like this.


The first table shows differences between backup (on the left) and DB (on the right) fields. For every field differences, you can click on the icon with exclamation mark to see the details of the differences and then choose an action to resolve the conflict from the actions column.


Any action selected in this screen is executed as soon as you click on this screen.



Fields are compared by position so it’s normal to see differences even if just the position have changed.

The second table shows differences in object configuration. The only action available in this case is complete replacement of the db configuration.

Manual selection of data to restore

If you have selected Selection for data in the first screen, you will see this screen.

Select a type on the left side to begin data selection.

Keep the checkbox Replace the idenfiers checked if you want to keep "ids from the backup. If you uncheck this checkbox, data will be created with a fresh ID and won’t replace existing instances in DB: data will be appended to existing ones.

Check the left checkboxes of the instances you want to restore. The second column tells if an instance with the same ID already exists in DB.

Manual selection of files attachements to restore

If you have selected Selection for files in the first screen, you will see this screen.

Select an object and then check the files and directories you want to restore from the backup. Any existing path will be replaced by items you check here.

SAN and configuration files selection

This screen allows you to select files to restore from SAN files (not related to objects) and configuration.

The default view is the files and directories stored in your backup file. You can change this view to see differences between backup files and current files to help you to restore at least files as possible and speed up you restore process.

Files removal

The previous steps are purely additive regarding the existing files which means you can’t remove an existing file (only replace) with the previous. Nevertheless, your backup can have some information about some deprecated files you should remove. That’s the point of the following screen.


This screen lists the files your backup marks as deprecated and that you should remove. Check the files you accept to remove before clicking on Next step.

Summary of the restore process before proceeding


This last screen reports the choices you have made until then and gives you a chance to change them before restoring anything.

You have to check the checkbox in the orange warning to be allowed to click on Next step which will start to restore your application.

You can also save your choices in a named configuration to re-use it later and speed up your next restore process. Your named configuration is saved in your backups directory and will be available in the Backup file details screen at the beginning of the process.

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