Modify a resource property: String functions

Modify a resource property: String functions

It is possible to apply string manipulation functions. To specify a function, pass a JSON object as the value, with the properties :

  • $values (or $value): a single value or an array of values (almost always strings)

  • $stringhandling: the name of the function (case insensitive)

Function append

With this function, we concatenate the specified values after the current value.


"property": { "$values": ["b", "c"}, "$mode": "append" }
  • before: a

  • after: abc

Function prepend

With this function, we concatenate the specified values before the current value.


"property": { "$values": ["b", "c"}, "$mode": "prepend" }
  • before: a

  • after: bca

Function appendln

With this function, we concatenate the specified values after the current value, by inserting a line break between each value.

With this function, we concatenate the specified values after the current value.


"property": { "$values": ["b", "c"}, "$mode": "appendln" }
  • before: a

  • after:

    a b c

Function prependln

With this function, we concatenate the specified values before the current value.


"property": { "$values": ["b", "c"}, "$mode": "appendln" }
  • before: a

  • after:

    b c a

Function replace

This function allows to replace a value by another one, using mappings. The values are objects whose properties are the strings to be replaced and their values the replacement strings.


"property": { "$values": [ { "a": "c", "b": "d" } ] "$mode": "appendln" }
  • before: a

  • after: c

Function replaceeach

This function allows to replace all occurrences of strings within the current string.. The values are objects whose properties are the strings to be replaced and their values the replacement strings.

Example 1:

"property": { "$values": [ { "ab": "w" }, { "d": "t" } ] "$mode": "appendln" }
  • before: abcde

  • after: wcte

Example 2:

"property": { "$values": [ { "ab": "d" }, { "d": "t" } ] "$mode": "appendln" }
  • before: abcde

  • after: dcte

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