Modify a resource property: Modification by value

Modify a resource property: Modification by value

When a property is of type link to a resource, it is possible to modify its value by giving its value, instead of the identifier of the corresponding resource. This is only possible for properties that have been configured to, depending on how it has been configured.
By default, most often, the name of the resource is passed instead of the identifier, but it is possible to pass the value of another property, or even several, and even to pass parameters for a selection query.

When the value is associated with a unique property, it is sufficient to pass it instead of the identifier. When several values are needed, we will pass a JSON object, with each necessary property.
As when we pass several identifiers, we can pass several values to assign multiple link type properties.
In this case we can also pass an identifier directly by passing a JSON object with the id property.

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