Configuration Resolver - Resolve and explain

Configuration Resolver - Resolve and explain

Resolve concerns the process of obtaining a mapping configuration by merging a base (product configuration), different layers of project configuration files, and different layers of client configuration files.

Explain is the process of obtaining an exploded version of this configuration with all the information that indicates how this configuration was obtained: file location, qualifications of these files, plugins, description and contents of overloaded layers, files ignored or in error, and so on. Various options allow you to control the verbosity of the explain.

A configuration is obtained according to a connection context, which includes, among others:

  • a surfer, connected or not

  • a mapping (so the corresponding path)

  • query parameters

  • headers

  • etc.


Standard API

GET /api/portalconfig/config

Gets the mapping configuration specified for the current connection context.

See documentation (sk): https://starter-kit.wedia-group.com/api/portalconfig?export=redoc#tag/config/operation/configGet

Extended API

GET /api/portalconfig/config/merge

This API does exactly the same thing as /config, but the context can be specified by parameter, and you can filter the resulting configuration, as well as choose the format (json or xjson). You can even define a mapping on the fly to test a path, or simulate processors.

See documentation (sk): https://starter-kit.wedia-group.com/api/portalconfig?export=redoc#tag/config/operation/configMerge

Explain API

GET /api/portalconfig/config/explain

This API explains how to build the configuration obtained by calling a /config or /config/merge service.

See documentation (sk): https://starter-kit.wedia-group.com/api/portalconfig?export=redoc#tag/config/operation/configExplain

As the JSON you get can be very wordy and rather tedious to interpret, you can use (or be inspired by) the Configuration Debug or Configuration Layers sections of the toolkit, as these pages use this service.

Debugging variant

POST /api/portalconfig/tools/file/resolve

This API, which can only be invoked under administrative authentication, allows you to simulate a resolve (or explain) from local files, without installing them on the server.

See documentation (sk): https://starter-kit.wedia-group.com/api/portalconfig?export=redoc#tag/admin/operation/admFileResolve

Embedding in a JSP

It is possible to include a configuration using the JSP /page/config_resolver/config_before.jsp.

This does exactly what the GET /api/portalconfig/config service does.


(string, mandatory) the mapping ID


From PACKAGED_Portal/vue.config.js:

<noheto:include page="/config_resolver/config.jspz?mappingID=${name}" var="jsonConfig"/>




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