Customer configuration

Customer configuration


The customer configuration files (those produced by wedia-config) are stored in a specific folder at the root of the SAN that is not backed up or restored with the rest of the SAN when saving or loading a NAR.

This folder currently contains

  • the application configuration

  • the color configuration

Backup the customer configuration

When creating the NAR, there is a checkbox "Application configurations" in the "Configuration files" section of the "Files backup" step (by NAR).

If you check this box, the folder is saved

Restore the customer configuration

When restoring a NAR, there is a "Application configurations" checkbox in the "Configuration files" section of the "Selected SAN files to be restored" step of the application restoration (by NAR).

If you check this box, the file is restored: the current folder is completely replaced by that of the NAR.


Configuration Resolver - Toolkit | Customer Configurations Manager

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