Access and create a workspace

Access and create a workspace


By default, contributor and administrator roles are authorized to create workspaces.

This option can be enabled for any paid role from the role administration interface.

Free users, such as those with the Reader role, are authorized to collaborate in a workspace but not to create one.

To learn more about general roles and licensing, please refer to the documentation.

How it works

Access the list of Workspaces


Click "My workspaces"

Create and Publish Marketing Campaign with Assets in Workspace - Step 2.png

Refine the List of workspaces with Filters

Click on the 'Roles' filter to narrow down the list of portals based on the user's assigned role in the portal.


  • Creator: These are the worskapces that I have created.

  • Collaborator: These are the workspaces where I have been invited as a collaborator.

  • None: These are the workspaces where I do not have a specific role but I am authorized to view as an administrator.

By default, no filter is active. All workspaces that you are allowed to see will be displayed in the list.

Learn how to add a property to a workspace and customize the workspace filters


Create a Workspace

Click "Add new space"

Create and Publish Marketing Campaign with Assets in Workspace - Step 3.png


Fill in the form

  • Name: The name of your workspace

  • Description (optional): A description that explains the purpose of the workspace

  • Asset library: This is the asset library that will be used by default for assets uploaded to the space. The asset library can be changed during the indexing process.

  • Attach brief documents (optional): This can be used to attach documents related to the project, such as briefs, storyboards, contracts, etc. These documents are not meant to be published in the DAM. There is no limit to the number of documents added.

  • Attach brief links (optional): This can be used to attach links related to the project, such as briefs, storyboards, contracts, etc. There is no limit to the number of links added.

Creating A New Space In Wedia - Step 3.png


Click Validate

Creating a New Campaign in Wedia System - Step 13.png



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