Index an asset

Index an asset


By default, all users are authorized to index assets within workspaces they are invited to collaborate in or of which they are the owner.

To learn more about general roles and licensing and default configuration, please refer to the documentation.

How it works


Indexing is a crucial phase in the process of publishing media on the DAM. It is important because it ensures that users can easily and efficiently find the assets they are looking for.

Within the Creative Workflow workspaces, users have the choice between two approaches :

  • Sequential approach: Indexing begins only after the asset has been validated. The use of filters based on the asset's status facilitates the identification of those ready for indexing assets.

  • Task parallelization: It is possible to begin indexing the asset in parallel with their validation process. This accelerates the preparation of the asset, making them immediately ready for publication once their final validation.

Access to the indexing form is available through two main interfaces :

  • The detailed view of an asset

  • The bulk indexing view

A button allows you to switch between views at any time.


Bulk indexing view

For indexing a large quantity of asset, or for entering metadata common to a wide selection of assets, the bulk indexing view is perfectly suited.


Click “go to workspace” to access a workspace

Guide to Comparing Versions of Assets in Wedia Group - Step 7.png

Select your assets and click on index

Guide to Adding Metadata and Classifications to Asset - Step 13.png


On the left side of the screen, select the assets to be indexed, and then fill in the data on the right side of the screen. The data is automatically saved for these assets as soon as you enter it.

On each thumbnail, a dot reminds you of the asset’s status:

  • Asset Status

  • Indexing Status

Learn more about default workflows, statuses, and publishing conditions.

Guide to Adding Metadata and Classifications to Asset - Step 17.png


Change asset library if needed

Adjust the asset library for an asset or a selection of assets if the displayed form is not the correct one. Note : only the asset libraries in which users are authorized to create assets are made available in the dropdown menu.

Guide to Adding Metadata and Classifications to Asset - Step 14.png

Switch to detailed view at any time

Switch to the detailed view at any time to see more details about the asset.

Accessing Metadata in Wedia Starter Kit - Step 2.png

Detailed indexing view

Click “go to workspace” to access a workspace

Guide to Comparing Versions of Assets in Wedia Group - Step 7.png

Click go to asset

Guide to Adding Metadata and Classifications to Asset - Step 3.png

Click Metadata

Guide to Adding Metadata and Classifications to Asset - Step 4.png


Changes are automatically saved as they are entered and they only apply to the focused media, which is prominently displayed in the center of the screen.

Guide to Adding Metadata and Classifications to Asset - Step 8.png


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