Review the asset

Review the asset


All users invited to collaborate in a space are authorized to review an asset to that space.

To learn more about general roles and licensing and default configuration, please refer to the documentation.

How it works

Users can annotate the assets in a space to share their ideas and requests for adjustments.

There are two options for leaving a comment on each asset:

  1. Directly on the asset to indicate a specific location: this function is currently available only for assets of the image and video types.

  2. In the comment area, without indicating a specific location: this function is available for all types of assets, including images and videos.

Comments across all versions are displayed on the asset, with each comment indicating the version it pertains to.

Users can modify a comment, mark it as resolved, or delete it, but only if they are the authors of the comment.


Add comment directly on the asset (image type)

Click "Go to Workspace" to access the workspace of your choice

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Click "Go to the asset" of the asset of your choice

It is also possible to make a selection of assets for review. To do this, select the assets and click on one of the selected assets.

Accessing and Selecting Images in Workspace - Step 3.png


Navigate through the selection by clicking on the thumbnails to view the details of each asset.

Accessing and Selecting Images in Workspace - Step 4.png

Click on the comment icon

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Place the mouse cursor at the location of your choice and click on the asset.

Add New Comments in Lucas CORSINI's Asset Page - Step 6.png


Enter your comment in the input field. Type @ and select a team member of the space so that they are notified of the comment.

The owner of the space is notified of all comments. Other users are notified of comments in which they are tagged. The notification is sent by email, and it also appears in the notification bell on the DAM.

The comment is added and visible on the asset, as well as in the right-hand column.

Add New Comments in Lucas CORSINI's Asset Page - Step 9.png


Add comment directly on the asset (video type)

The process for adding a comment to a video is similar to that for images.

When a user clicks on the comment button, the video will pause if it was playing, and the user can click at their chosen location on the video sequence to leave a comment.

Comments made directly on the video can be seen on the video's timeline. Each comment is represented by a dot; clicking on it allows the user to access the comment and the specific moment in the video it refers to.


Use the buttons on the player to start playing the video.

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Click on the "comment" icon to leave a comment during playback.

Automatically, the video pauses.

Create a New Text Entry with Keyboard Shortcuts - Step 3.png


Click on the desired location in the video.

Create a New Text Entry with Keyboard Shortcuts - Step 4.png

Enter your comment in the input field and validate.

Note the owner is notified of all comments left on their space. Other members are notified only if they are tagged.

Create a New Text Entry with Keyboard Shortcuts - Step 7.png

Navigate through the comments on a video from the timeline by clicking on the dots.

Create a New Text Entry with Keyboard Shortcuts - Step 8.png


Add general comment (all type of asset)

It is possible to add a general comment on all types of assets by clicking on the "Add new comment" button.

The comment column will then contain all comments left on the asset, whether they are specific or general, from the most recent to the oldest.

Add New Comments in Lucas CORSINI's Asset Page - Step 10.png

By default, only active comments are displayed.

The user can change the display filter to access all comments, including resolved comments.


Add New Comments in Lucas CORSINI's Asset Page - Step 21.png
Add New Comments in Lucas CORSINI's Asset Page - Step 22.png


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