Asset approval workflow

Asset approval workflow


Asset status

By default, both contributors and administrators are authorized to manage asset statuses within workspaces. Administrators have this capability across all workspaces, while contributors are limited to managing asset statuses within the workspaces they have created.

Readers do not have the permission to manage asset statuses, but they are able to view the status of assets.

Indexing status

The indexing statuses is manageable by all members of the space.

To learn more about general roles and licensing and default configuration, please refer to the documentation.

How it works


Functionally, the creative workflow incorporates two distinct but interconnected workflows. The principle of the two workflows is to separate the validation of the asset in terms of its appearance and content from the validation of the associated metadata, which is essential for publication on the DAM.

  • Asset validation workflow : correspond to the validation of the asset itself: it involves ensuring that the image, video, or any other type of media is of adequate quality, meets the expectations in terms of representation and content, and is ready for potential distribution or use.

  • Metadata indexing workflow : correspond to the validation of metadata: metadata are data that provide information about other data, in this case, the asset. This includes the title, description, keywords, copyright, and any other information needed to organize, search, and manage the asset within the Digital Asset Management (DAM). This validation is crucial because without accurate and complete metadata, the asset can be difficult to locate and use effectively in the DAM.

Both workflows operate independently, yet they converge at a critical point: an asset must achieve a "validated" status in both workflows before it can be published on the DAM. This dual validation allow more flexibility for teams.

Status change

To change a status, follow these steps:

Click “go to workspace” to access a workspace

Guide to Comparing Versions of Assets in Wedia Group - Step 7.png


Access the status options

From asset thumbnail :

Guide to Accessing Media Assets in Scribe Workspace - Step 6.png
Guide to Accessing Media Assets in Scribe Workspace - Step 8.png

From asset detail :

Guide to Accessing Media Assets in Scribe Workspace - Step 11.png
Guide to Accessing Media Assets in Scribe Workspace - Step 13.png


Changes are automatically saved upon selecting a new status. The owner of the space is notified by email of all status changes.

Select several assets for bulk changes

Guide to Accessing Media Assets in Scribe Workspace - Step 17.png


Default asset validation workflow

The default and ready-to-use workflow contains the following statuses. There are no constraints on moving from one status to another; the workflow is designed to be flexible and adaptable, ensuring that the tools serve as an aid to productivity rather than a constraint.

  1. To be checked: The asset needs verification. This status is automatically triggered right after the upload of a new asset or a new version.

  2. Under review: The status "Under Review" indicates that the asset requires attention for comments or requested revisions. This status serves as a prompt for the designer or agency to check the asset and address any feedback or modifications that have been suggested.

  3. In Approval: The asset has undergone an initial validation and must be reviewed by specific individuals (such as legal advisors, heads of departments, etc.). This stage is optional and won’t suit all assets.

  4. Approved: The asset has been approved for distribution. This status confirms that the asset has passed all required checks and validations, and is now ready for publication in the DAM.

  5. Rejected: The asset has not been selected or approved. This status is applied when the asset does not meet the required standards or specifications, or if it is decided that the asset is not suitable for the intended purpose.

Users can also utilize the "Ask for Approval" feature, which allows requesting one or multiple approvals simultaneously or sequentially. Learn more about this functionality!

Default indexing workflow

The workflow facilitates the management and tracking of the indexing process.. The transition from one status to another is automated, depending on whether all required metadata has been entered by the user or not.

  • Incomplete: This status is automatically triggered when at least one mandatory metadata field is missing. It serves as an indicator that further information is needed on that asset in terms of metadata.

  • Ready: This status is automatically set when all required metadata fields have been filled in. It signifies that the asset's metadata is complete and ready for publication on the DAM.

  • Under Review: This is a manual status that can be used when a user needs to set aside certain assets for later review. This may be because additional information is needed, or because validation from another team member is required. This status allows for flexibility in handling assets that are not yet finalized or require further attention.


How to personnalize the workflow

More about workflow configuration

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