Publish an asset

Publish an asset


By default, both contributors and administrators are authorized to manage asset statuses, and therefore to publish assets in the DAM within workspaces. Administrators have this capability across all workspaces, while contributors are limited to managing asset statuses and publication within the workspaces they have created

This option can be enabled for any paid role from the role administration interface.

To learn more about general roles and licensing and default configuration, please refer to the documentation.

How it works

Assets from a workspace can be transferred to the DAM provided they meet two specific criteria:

  1. The asset must have a "validated" status.

  2. The asset indexing process must be "ready".

These criteria are fixed and cannot be modified according to the project. For more information about defaut workflow, please consult the documentation.

The publication button is available on all screens of the Creative Workflow and operates uniformly across each:

  • The user can use this button as soon as an asset in the workspace meets the publication criteria, and as long as they are authorized to manage the workspace's statuses.

  • In the publication confirmation popup:

    • If the user has not made a prior selection, the system will automatically select all assets that are ready to be published.

    • If the user has already made a selection, this selection will be retained and only the assets that meet the publication criteria will be automatically selected.

  • Once the publication is confirmed from the popup, the selected assets are published on the DAM and removed from the workspace. Only the final versions of the assets are kept on the DAM; previous versions, if any, and associated comments are deleted upon publication.

  • Finally, an email notification is sent to all collaborators of the workspace, including a direct link to the assets published on the DAM.


Click Publish assets

Guide to Publishing Assets and Adding Version in Wedia - Step 10.png


Adjust your selection if needed


Confirm publication by clicking on “Publish” button

Once the publication is confirmed from the popup, the selected assets are published on the DAM and removed from the workspace. Only the final versions of the assets are kept on the DAM; previous versions, if any, and associated comments are deleted upon publication.

Finally, an email notification is sent to all collaborators of the workspace, including a direct link to the assets published on the DAM.


The asset published from the workspace can be found by clicking on “See published assets”

Wedia-Group Workflow - Step 2 (3).png


The link becomes accessible only after assets have been published from the current space. For a new space, the link will be available once the application detects the initial publication. This detection occurs through user notifications, which are checked every 10 seconds.

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