Wedia File Format

.wedia file structure

The .wedia file format is an archive that contains the full package for a InDesign document.

It contains :

  • the actual Indesign document in its binary format

  • the links used by the InDesign document

  • the fonts used by the InDesign document

  • a IDML export of the InDesign document

  • a WXML description of the InDesign document

The archive is zipped, and then renamed to .wedia

Rationale for using the .wedia file format

The .wedia file format has been designed for multiple reasons :

  • ensure that document imported to a Wedia system or exported from a Wedia system includes all the relevant fonts, links used by the document,

  • ensure that the Wedia system is not dependent on the version of InDesign used on the Desktop and the Server : as InDesign is not capable to poen a version saved by a more recent InDesign, adding a IDML export ensure users can work in a environment where multiple version coexist.

Exporting .wedia from the Desktop

You will need to have the Wedia InDesign plugin installed on your desktop.

Using the export menu :

And selection the Wedia file format, you will be able to export in a .wedia file

If you don’t see the Wedia file options, it is likely because the Wedia InDesign extension has not been properly set up.