Projects Publications

Projects Publications

Publishing and exploiting content

Because not all publication methods express the same needs, you can configure your channel to operate in two different modes: publication per medium (or layout-driven) and content publishing (or content-driven).

These two types of publications have a direct impact on the way in which content and media are displayed and managed in the solution.

Layout-driven publications

These are publications where formatting constrains content.

For example, as part of a catalogue brochure, the presentation text of a product is specific to its area of publication because there are limits size, number of words, typography, etc.

The content of projects using these channels are not presented in the back-office lists and are generally not accessible directly in editing or visualization without going through visualization or support editing.

In fact, their creation will usually be done directly from the publisher.

Content-driven publications

These are publications where the content is not constrained by the medium.

For example, the publishing channel web is content-driven because the setting of in HTML format does not require the input of content specifically intended for where they are posted.
The contents of the various objects are propagated in the HTML feed as is and formatting is handled via a css style sheet.
The content of projects using these channels is directly accessible in the back-office lists as project document bases.
Contributors are responsible for prioritizing content.
The media associated with these projects are free to use them or not and to different ways.

Dynamic websites

Dynamic websites are managed from Wedia which includes in its core a multilingual, multi-site CMS.

Websites managed by Wedia are generated from a front coded in JSP pages, which are based on conventions facilitating the development of these websites.

These websites present content managed in the Wedia back-office, e.g. the Wedia application.

Content types are customised during the Wedia implementation project to create content objects such as articles, news, and more complex business objects, such as a UCITS in the case of a financial institution. This content management part is common to all projects, and is detailed later in the Content Management part of the documentation.


dynamic websites are managed in content-driven projects

Single-document publications

Wedia allows you to create print media for designing and producing simple documents: product sheets, flyers, etc.

These documents are created from creative files from Adobe InDesign, the authoritative desktop publishing tool in print communication.

This is referred to as a single-document publication because these media consist of a single InDesign document (which can nevertheless consist of several pages).

One can or cannot associate content management with these projects:
It is possible to limit oneself to edit online only the initial document via a web interface to modify the text or images.
It is also possible to associate content with these documents, for example to drag an article prepared and validated in advance into a precise position of a newsletter.

Here again, these contents will be shared between several channels: content can be used for both a website and a paper document.

Translation is also included in this scope.


single-documents publications are produced in layout-driven projects


Wedia supports "emailing" media, i.e. static HTML pages that are intended to be sent on mailboxes. It is not possible to create from scratch a support emailing in the solution, it is necessary to rely on an HTML template imported into Wedia as a ZIP file: it is this template that is edited, to modify its contents, edit the form within the limits allowed by the template, and associate content management with it.


emailing publications are produced in layout-driven projects