Content Proposal

Content Proposal


The content proposal is an extension to the standard operation of the content declination in projects: it is used to defer the creation of this declination and to condition it by the action of a second user.

In practical terms, the steps involved in creating a proposal are similar to the create a copy but instead of directly creating the variants in the validation of the last step, a proposal summarizing the configuration of the declination will be created for each selected destination (i.e., if ten projects are requested to be declassified, ten proposals will be created).
The result step will present the list of proposals created.

The proposal must then be accepted by one of the users having control over the destination projects. The validation of this proposal will involve the same process as the validation of the declination stage in standard mode.

Technical requirements for the proposal

The content proposal requires the same prerequisites as the content declination plus:

  • the mediasharing object must exist

  • the wkfsharing workflow must have been installed

  • security must allow users to create mediasharing objects to create a proposal (objectdata domain and insert action)

  • security must allow users to create declined objects to accept a proposal (objectdata domain and insert action) and modify the workflow of a mediasharing object


The mediasharing object is also exploited by the synchronization feature. Refer to the documentation of these two features before starting any customization of this object.



The wkfsharing workflow is also exploited by the following functionality synchronization. It is not intended to be modifiable within the framework of of a project, please do not modify it or contact product R&D before undertaking any work on the validation of proposals.

Access declination proposals

All the available proposals are accessible from the standard datalist: this one will list like any other list the instances available for the current user according to his rights on the projects whatever the status of the proposal.

The latest declination proposals not ignored are also accessible from a back-office home block named content proposals :

Proposal visualization screen

Proposals are posted in the dataproposedview action which is similar to a dataview but streamlined and where the actions are fully owned.



Current status can be "pending", "accepted" and "refused".


Available actions

  • Accept: will accept the proposal and start the declination.

  • Rejecting the proposal will pass into the rejected status and will no longer be accessible. It is not possible to go back!

  • Ignore the statement: applies a mask to the statement, it will no longer appear in home but always in list. An ignored proposal can always be accepted later.

  • Delete: Equivalent to "reject" but the proposal will be physically deleted. Available only if the user has deletion rights on media sharing object instances.


Detail of the object to accept presents the fields of the object to accept as it exists at this moment. At the moment, the visualization of the proposed object does not take into account the changes made in the configuration screen.