Release notes for 2021.4.0

2021.4.0 Release Notes


Project - Wedia
Version - 2021.4.0
Release Date - 2021-07-16

No stories were part of this version.


Priority Key Summary Status
Normal WXM-11329 Added a way to disable security on forwarded service invocation Done
Major WXM-11328 Apply security to direct call of /api/wedia/dam/transform/xxx Done
Normal WXM-11325 The oData / PowerBI connector now offer the video completion percentage Done
Major WXM-11312 Performance: removed unnecessary informations from the stack traces Done
Normal WXM-11306 MediaCloud will now offer a standard MP3 conversion for audio files Done
Minor WXM-11267 Better management of itemisvalid property Done
Normal WXM-11243 Improved the list of candidates objects in the merge term dialog Done
Normal WXM-11232 Removed a hardcoded "board" label Done
Normal WXM-11216 Added new filters in the new analytics livestream dashboards Done
Normal WXM-11213 The Security is now activated in the boards upload action Done
Normal WXM-11210 It is now possible to prefix / suffix properties list in the Portal Done
Normal WXM-11207 Asset variation in file view are now filterable if there are more than 6 presets Done
Normal WXM-11197 Clarify what opting out of the tracking does Done
Normal WXM-11172 Added a Swagger documentation for MediaCloud Done
Normal WXM-11164 Added new API for image reverse search on MediaCloud Done
Normal WXM-11163 The new analytics now includes a easier to use date picker Done
Major WXM-11157 Improved the speed of list population in the new Analytics screens when dealing with large analytics data Done
Blocker WXM-11152 Excel files previews will now be limited to the 50 first pages Done
Minor WXM-11141 Improved the branding on the Wedia video player Done
Normal WXM-11140 Add the Wedia baseline to the menu Done
Normal WXM-11129 Added a new API to search for urls of DXM publishing for a given asset Done
Normal WXM-11124 The Translation API is now available in Java Done
Normal WXM-11118 Added a getUUID method on wsnoheto.engine.CTSurfer Done
Normal WXM-11116 Tooltip should show node name if it's too long in folder panel area Done
Normal WXM-11105 The plugin list is now sorted by activation, and offers a search option Done
Normal WXM-11087 The webp is no longer offered in the image player if the browser does not support it Done
Major WXM-11083 Performance: FilenameQueue is replaced by LockByKey Done
Normal WXM-11065 Added a new analytics dashboard for Back-Office searches Done
Normal WXM-11032 The entry "invalid date" appears in Copy credits when "Unknown end of right date" is stored in the metadata. Done
Normal WXM-10996 Improved the pasting of many product codes in the Portal search area Done
Normal WXM-10984 Plugin are now able to send status informations to the status page Done
Minor WXM-10744 The upload overlay colour for drag and drop has been changed for red to blue Done
Normal WXM-10717 Removed 3D assets are now also removed from Sketchfab Done
Normal WXM-10538 Updated the rename SQL order to speed up properties removal Done
Normal WXM-10435 Improve technical metadata extractions from a video Done
Minor WXM-9836 Analytics: added average duration of a session and most used filters Done
Normal WXM-9828 Updated the $workflowActions section Done
Normal WXM-8748 It is now possible to set and check the status of a plugin in the Admin area Done
Normal WXM-7743 Improved the accessibility of the video player Done
Normal WXM-6466 It is now possible to preview a video in the indexing area Done


Priority Key Summary Status
Normal WXM-11349 Fixed the Thesaurus when multiple identical terms were at the root level Done
Normal WXM-11348 Boards: fixed the viewshare page for Tomcat 7 Done
Normal WXM-11347 A certain procedure would not reset the search filter in a board. Done
Major WXM-11345 Fixed a delay in the Share popup display time Done
Major WXM-11342 Removed redundant analytics dashboards and improved the video completion stat Done
Normal WXM-11332 Fixed an issue with the sorting of left pane filters Done
Blocker WXM-11330 Expired token with a jti claim will no longer be connected Done
Major WXM-11327 API Variation : If security filters out every variations queried, we still serve the last one. Done
Critical WXM-11324 Fixed a race condition with Cipher not initialized Done
Normal WXM-11320 Security: User could not display their thumbnail Done
Normal WXM-11317 Special characters like ü,ä,ö in German were not shown in history tab Done
Normal WXM-11316 Retrieval of collection items from level 2 was broken Done
Normal WXM-11311 The eTag error state was not properly managed Done
Major WXM-11301 The drag icon was no longer appearing for associating assets and products Done
Normal WXM-11298 Added not_delete_if_used on user object Done
Critical WXM-11297 Fixed an issue with the Security context when updating the user profile Done
Major WXM-11293 Text extracted and indexed from PDF, Office files was truncated to the 5000 first characters. Done
Normal WXM-11292 Fixed an issue with concurrent access on a preset variation Done
Normal WXM-11280 Fixed a "Exception: abort" in the Thesaurus Done
Normal WXM-11279 Fixed an issue with subtitles on Android players Done
Normal WXM-11277 Fixed the analytics labels in the video completion percentage Done
Blocker WXM-11269 Fixed an issue with non-DAM previews not showing in datalists Done
Normal WXM-11258 Fixed NumberFormatException in strange filenames during upload Done
Critical WXM-11244 Fixed an issue with incorrect XMP Comments reading Done
Major WXM-11234 Fixed an error when searching for users for sharing them a board Done
Normal WXM-11233 Fixed a "Data too large" issue on analytics with very large dataset Done
Major WXM-11220 Fixed a layout bug in the upload batches page with zero batch yet Done
Blocker WXM-11218 Security actions i18nFieldsTranslate, retrieveCaption had been erroneously removed Done
Normal WXM-11200 Fixed an issue with date selector in the portal filters Done
Normal WXM-11178 If all filters of "Name" are deleted, the entries of the filter were not deleted Done
Normal WXM-11177 Fixed an issue with case sensitive variations Done
Normal WXM-11166 Status page states are lost when Tomcat doesn't stop properly Done
Normal WXM-11161 Fixed a issue with a PDF rendering Done
Normal WXM-11160 Added some missing labels for Done
Critical WXM-11158 Fixed an issue when comparing different versions of a content object Done
Blocker WXM-11145 Made variations urls relative to context path and not to the calling page Done
Trivial WXM-11125 For the Status page, there is could be than 86400 seconds in a day Done
Trivial WXM-11123 Fixed a translation analytics for "collections" Done
Normal WXM-11122 Fixed the count on "popin_list_search_tree" Done
Normal WXM-11121 Improved the click area in the folder browse mode Done
Major WXM-11112 Fixed an issue where the spinner will no longer show when loading thumbnails in a list Done
Normal WXM-11099 Fixed the wrong orientation of landscape PDF page preview Done
Normal WXM-11093 Fixed an issue with a extra space in the folder mode Done
Minor WXM-11051 "Embedding subtitle" text was wrapped on the create subclip MediaCloud panel Done
Blocker WXM-10979 Fixed a bug where is was no longer possible to drag and drop assets to another product Done
Minor WXM-10935 Changed the connection label in the DAM Connector Done
Normal WXM-10934 Fixed an issue with upper case accented letters sorting in Thesaurus Done
Normal WXM-10896 Login fails with password management tools such as Dashlane Done
Minor WXM-10469 Fixed an issue where the zoom z-index was not correct Done
Normal WXM-10341 A board shared with no visible assert no longer offer a download option Done