Release notes for 11.26.0

11.26.0 Release Notes


Project - Wedia
Version - 11.26.0
Release Date - 2020-09-04


No stories were part of this version.


Priority Key Summary Status
Normal WXM-8437 PORTAL-V2 : Add new action to "Add medias to this batch" Done
Major WXM-8364 PORTAL-V2 : Mass import now show mandatory properties Done
Major WXM-8362 PORTAL-V2 : Mass import can display a help text for indexing Done
Major WXM-8357 PORTAL-V2 : Mass import now manage simulation and completeness Done
Major WXM-8340 PORTAL-V2 : Manage tree metadata during media tagging Done
Major WXM-8322 PORTAL-V2 : Design of the media list in the tagging area improved Done
Normal WXM-8317 PORTAL-V2 : Massimport offer a larger media preview Done
Normal WXM-8295 PORTAL-V2 : Advanced search dropdown support Done
Normal WXM-8229 PORTAL-V2 : Support i18n text inputs Done
Major WXM-8222 New method to get the data type on MassImport REST API Done
Normal WXM-8152 Added support for auto-resign in CookieAuth Done
Normal WXM-8138 The board components can be embedded outside of BOV3 Done
Normal WXM-8128 PORTAL-V2 : The state of the left tree (opened / closed) is stored Done
Normal WXM-8127 PORTAL-V2 : Long filter list now load 50 values at once Done
Minor WXM-8123 PORTAL-V2 : Asset type icons can change color Done
Normal WXM-8109 PORTAL-V2 : Aggregates counters can be disabled via configuration Done
Normal WXM-8079 PORTAL-V2 : Extend the width of the full text input to 100% Done
Normal WXM-8075 Drupal module configuration improvements Done
Normal WXM-8064 PORTAL-V2 : The introduction sentence now supports linked conditions Done
Normal WXM-8063 PORTAL-V2 : Results tiles can now display a badge counter of subelements Done
Normal WXM-8061 Security : Support Cross-Site-Scripting protection with "X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff" Done
Minor WXM-8055 URL rewriting now support outbound rules on /api Done
Normal WXM-8038 LDAP configuration now ships with connect.pool.timeout et connect.timeout setup Done
Major WXM-8035 PORTAL-V2 : Implement User profile management Done
Normal WXM-8029 Add ability to trigger DAM_Utils metadata extraction from a datalist user-selection Done
Normal WXM-8005 PORTAL-V2 : Full text search box now support "+", "-", "~" operators Done
Normal WXM-7998 DXM now export a URL format that can be "url rewritten" using rules Done
Major WXM-7986 PORTAL-V2: Handle Pages Titles Done
Major WXM-7976 Wire response.encodeURL and response.encodeRedirectUrl to Outounds URLRewritting. Done
Minor WXM-7968 MediaCloud Checkup speed improvements by using file suffixes Done
Minor WXM-7965 CORS setup now manage priority on acceptUrls and acceptOrigin Done
Critical WXM-7963 Security : users and IPs failing at authenticating are now temporary blacklisted for 5 minutes Done
Normal WXM-7958 PORTAL-V2 : ContentPicker display mode can be set up Done
Major WXM-7951 Improved the performance of loading objects with a very large number of children Done
Normal WXM-7927 PORTAL-V2 : When you have added assets to a board and click on the displayed toast, the board should open Done
Critical WXM-7913 It is now possible to create an asset selection from a board Done
Normal WXM-7909 The detail call on a entity now support extendPropertyFilter Done
Normal WXM-7895 Revised the rule that expose contextual error data for better security Done
Minor WXM-7894 The Swagger API documentation of an API can be access from the plugin page Done
Minor WXM-7892 The confirmation prompt of a plugin removal displays the deleted plugin name Done
Normal WXM-7888 PORTAL-V2 : Support Datadog RUM Monitoring Done
Normal WXM-7880 Bump NodeJS version to 12.18.1 Done
Normal WXM-7879 Bump EXIFTOOL from version 11 to version 12 Done
Minor WXM-7871 Change the icon of the minimized Snippet extension Done
Major WXM-7859 PORTAL-V2 : New search design implementation Done
Minor WXM-7855 PORTAL-V2 : Filter on OCR or transcript in timeline Done
Normal WXM-7854 REST services now limit of the number of children retrieved in the dam/data services. Done
Minor WXM-7802 PORTAL-V2 : Better Form validation message Done
Major WXM-7750 PORTAL-V2 : Trees are now loaded on more than one page Done
Normal WXM-7714 PORTAL-V2 : Improvement on the generate link dialog / toast Done
Normal WXM-7676 PORTAL-V2 : Introduce a "square" Display type Done
Normal WXM-7674 PORTAL-V2 : implement a full text search on Board detail Done
Normal WXM-7618 PORTAL-V2 : temporary selections now expire after 7 days Done
Normal WXM-7486 PORTAL-V2 : Home images now use BlurHash when available Done
Normal WXM-7269 Tree filters on the back-office now display the occurrences count Done
Normal WXM-7262 Video Transcription is now only activated for paying customers Done
Normal WXM-7258 PORTAL-V2 : Improve the quality of thumbnails used in lists Done
Major WXM-7219 The back-office tree filters have a new design and counters Done
Normal WXM-7209 The share board email now indicates who shared this selection with me Done
Normal WXM-6853 The external playlist identifier is now an UUID Done
Normal WXM-6848 Emails from the Engine can now be created using the Velocity template engine Done
Normal WXM-6840 PORTAL-V2 : Detect a Engine Upgrade and display an error page Done


Priority Key Summary Status
Major WXM-8430 PORTAL-V2 : Better feedback in the download area Done
Normal WXM-8403 PORTAL-V2 : When filtering on uploaded assets return 0 result, add a message Done
Normal WXM-8395 PORTAL-V2 : Scrolling to the end of the "square" layout show incomplete columns Done
Normal WXM-8391 PORTAL-V2 : when no choices are available, do not display the icon for download Done
Minor WXM-8388 PORTAL-V2 : "no data" label on unsuccessful searches Done
Normal WXM-8387 PORTAL-V2 : Saved searches on advanced search should accommodate long lists Done
Normal WXM-8363 PORTAL-V2 : Mass import now shows more media per line Done
Major WXM-8361 PORTAL-V2 : Fix the case when only 1 property is offered for tagging Done
Major WXM-8339 PORTAL-V2 : Fix the approve status change Done
Normal WXM-8335 PORTAL-V2 : Fixed the count of selected media in the tagging area Done
Normal WXM-8334 PORTAL-V2 : Fix labels in the "transfer batch" dialog Done
Normal WXM-8330 PORTAL-V2 : Click drag can start above the list Done
Normal WXM-8328 PORTAL-V2 : Manage the case when no media is selected in the tagging area Done
Normal WXM-8327 PORTAL-V2 : Handle properties not under a separator Done
Normal WXM-8324 PORTAL-V2 : Manage the case when all assets have been indexed Done
Minor WXM-8321 PORTAL-V2 : Remove the upload option in menu for not authorized users Done
Normal WXM-8312 PORTAL-V2 : Warn the user who is leaving the application with uploads in progress Done
Major WXM-8305 PORTAL-V2 : Display reasons for rejection in the tagging area Done
Major WXM-8301 PORTAL-V2 : Mass tagging support for mandatory properties defined with facets Done
Major WXM-8300 PORTAL-V2 : Mass upload support for missing mandatory info on asset Done
Major WXM-8296 PORTAL-V2 : Display the name of the user who transmitted the upload batch Done
Major WXM-8291 PORTAL-V2 : Manage selections in the Uploaded assets explorer Done
Normal WXM-8281 ContentPicker : single pick mode allows for multiple selection of the same item Done
Critical WXM-8275 Content-disposition is set correctly by the Variation API depending on filename Done
Major WXM-8273 Manage default variation for something else than asset Done
Normal WXM-8238 PORTAL-V2 : Save button improvements Done
Normal WXM-8235 PORTAL-V2 : Magnifier icon in the edit panel Done
Normal WXM-8234 PORTAL-V2 : Unwanted blue underline in properties filters Done
Normal WXM-8197 PORTAL-V2 : Error cropping the image without specifying width and height Done
Critical WXM-8164 Unique index on multiple fields with null values doesn't work as expected on Azure SQL Server Done
Major WXM-8126 PORTAL-V2 : Not all offered formats for download work Done
Normal WXM-8118 PORTAL-V2 : Added the cursor name in the URL Done
Normal WXM-8107 PORTAL-V2 : The height and width are empty on the "cropped" wedia_variation from ContentPicker Done
Normal WXM-8106 PORTAL-V2 : the Wedia Content picker fails at creating a "circle" variation Done
Normal WXM-8105 PORTAL-V2 : Searching a Saved search conforms with the Invision Done
Minor WXM-8104 PORTAL-V2 : When sharing a search, the labels talk about "boards" Done
Minor WXM-8103 PORTAL-V2 : Add a space between the search label and asset count Done
Minor WXM-8102 PORTAL-V2 : Remove extra {value} in label Done
Minor WXM-8101 PORTAL-V2 : Remove the spacing before the first tag in asset detail Done
Normal WXM-8100 When retired, the Azure summarization should not create failures in MediaCloud jobs Done
Normal WXM-8098 Added performances improvements when loading large NAR files Done
Major WXM-8097 The Breadcrumb should be masked for users that cannot view or delete the instance to avoid expose the name Done
Normal WXM-8085 PORTAL-V2 : Fixed a case with large number of color tiles in filters Done
Trivial WXM-8084 PORTAL-V2 : text-align to left in the search criteria rather than center Done
Normal WXM-8081 PORTAL-V2 : Align the gray lines on the header and the tree divider Done
Minor WXM-8078 PORTAL-V2 : The date interval picker has incorrect font size and alignement Done
Trivial WXM-8077 PORTAL-V2 : Add space between label and icon in content picker Done
Normal WXM-8062 PORTAL-V2 : Fixed an error in aggregator counter Done
Normal WXM-8059 Fixed a case of very slow java.nio calls on Azure / NFS Done
Minor WXM-8057 Analytics Dashboard system now display the count of all API calls Done
Normal WXM-8052 Zip files where configured to return application/x-zip instead of application/zip Done
Major WXM-8050 Fixed an inconsistent href on REST headers Done
Normal WXM-8047 PORTAL-V2 : Preview "copy credits" button should not display if empty Done
Normal WXM-8046 wizardeditchildx did not consider PreparedWhereService Done
Normal WXM-8040 PACKAGED_DAM_Utils fresh installation plugin parameters was different from their defaults Done
Normal WXM-8039 PORTAL-V2 : Page title did not update when changing locale Done
Normal WXM-8037 "Can share" instruction set to false was not honored by the playlist player Done
Normal WXM-8030 PORTAL-V2 : Metadata display on board detail consistency Done
Normal WXM-8025 Support SameSite cookie authentication management Done
Minor WXM-8014 PORTAL-V2 : The id search in the full text search does not work Done
Normal WXM-8003 PORTAL-V2 : The distances between the check boxes in the filter are not always the same Done
Minor WXM-8001 PORTAL-V2 : Dominant colors filter : the color bar is not aligned correctly Done
Normal WXM-7999 PORTAL-V2 : Creating a saved search only works with fulltext filters Done
Normal WXM-7997 PORTAL-V2 : The popover should extend to adapt the number of variations Done
Minor WXM-7995 PORTAL-V2 : The distance between the description and the panel name is not correct for widget X4 Done
Normal WXM-7994 PORTAL-V2 : In the square layout some assets have a white overlay Done
Major WXM-7989 Erreur des traitements IA quand les plugins sont redémarrés alors que des traitements asynchrones sont planifiés. Done
Normal WXM-7984 Security : Restrict the account action to the connected surfer Done
Normal WXM-7983 PORTAL-V2 : Fix long title text overflow on asset header Done
Normal WXM-7981 PORTAL-v2 : Fix "Share by unknow" in Share action dialog Done
Normal WXM-7977 PORTAL-V2 : The entry "Remove asset from board" does not work correctly Done
Normal WXM-7973 PORTAL-V2 : All modals now use Bootstrap framework Done
Normal WXM-7972 PORTAL-V2 : If a video is downloaded as Powerpoint a 404 error code is generated Done
Major WXM-7967 Fixed a bug where objectfile or page domain could not be enabled in security admin Done
Normal WXM-7957 PORTAL-V2 : Keywords are not displayed as tags Done
Normal WXM-7956 PORTAL-V2 : the search on keywords matches other languages Done
Minor WXM-7955 PORTAL-V2 : The last row of "horizontal layout" on boards is broken Done
Minor WXM-7948 PORTAL-V2 : missing blue border on square tiles list mode Done
Minor WXM-7947 PORTAL-V2 : Public users should not generate embed code nor use social posting Done
Blocker WXM-7946 PORTAL-V2 : Navigation-Dropdown: When clicking on the entry "all media" an error is thrown Done
Minor WXM-7944 MediaCloud consistency checkup now returns the number of tested instances Done
Normal WXM-7943 ElasticSearch Fulltext stops immediately after a service termination Done
Major WXM-7941 PORTAL-V2 : second click on suggested IA concept fails Done
Normal WXM-7928 PORTAL-V2 : If no download option is selected on the board, the download button is active Done
Major WXM-7926 PORTAL-V2 : The list layout for a shared board is incomplete Done
Major WXM-7925 PORTAL-V2 : Download a shared board with password runs into an error when called Done
Major WXM-7923 PORTAL-V2 : When I delete all assets from a board, no confirmation prompt pops up Done
Normal WXM-7921 PORTAL-V2 : Remove icons in the filter tags for better legibility Done
Minor WXM-7920 PORTAL-V2 : Saving the user profile was not showing a loader Done
Minor WXM-7916 PORTAL-V2 : When using arrows to navigate assets, the tag timeline did not reset Done
Normal WXM-7915 PORTAL-V2 : Clicking on the transcript / OCR timeline does not work anymore Done
Normal WXM-7911 PORTAL-V2 : Dominant color not appearing as a filter Done
Normal WXM-7908 Fixed a service tree consistency issue Done
Minor WXM-7904 PORTAL-V2 : Fast browsing generates an initialization error of the player API when switching from an image to a video Done
Normal WXM-7902 PORTAL-V2 : Browsing through assets can cause the browser to hang Done
Major WXM-7901 PORTAL-V2 : The assets filter closes immediately after opening Done
Normal WXM-7877 PORTAL-V2 : An error appears when a PDF file is opened. Done
Normal WXM-7873 PORTAL-V2 : Some routes should not be accessible as anonymous Done
Normal WXM-7872 PORTAL-V2 : When signin-in from /dam, boards buttons on asset do not appear Done
Minor WXM-7870 PORTAL-V2 : On a mac, cannot remove a user as a collaborator Done
Normal WXM-7867 PORTAL-V2 : Add to board issue on first click Done
Normal WXM-7863 PORTAL-V2 : Missing color mask on home slider Done
Normal WXM-7853 PORTAL-V2 : incorrect icon spacing in the board toolbar Done
Normal WXM-7849 PORTAL-V2 : On the homepage widgets, clicking on the image should have the same effect as clicking on the widget button Done
Normal WXM-7848 PORTAL-V2 : long texts on the homepage should be cut at 200 characters Done
Normal WXM-7844 PORTAL-V2 : In the embedding popup the close (x) button does not work Done
Minor WXM-7837 PORTAL-V2 : Forbid deleting a board that is used on the homepage Done
Normal WXM-7832 PORTAL-V2 : When I cancel a download because it is going to be large, it still appears in notifications Done
Normal WXM-7826 PORTAL-V2 : The creator of a board can be selected as a collaborator for a short time and receives a mail Done
Normal WXM-7824 PORTAL-V2 : Better 404 error screen when a public user try to access a private asset Done
Minor WXM-7817 PORTAL-V2 : If I login, I don't have the hability to create boards from a selection Done
Normal WXM-7812 PORTAL-V2 : Shared board description was not displayed Done
Normal WXM-7806 PORTAL-V2 : Fixed an issue on Firefox that triggered re-authentication Done
Normal WXM-7795 PORTAL-V2 : Share a board: Data of the input mask are not identical with the content of the email Done
Trivial WXM-7793 PORTAL-V2 : When returning to DAM from an asset's Edit Mode, an error is thrown Done
Normal WXM-7792 PORTAL-V2 : When the token expires, the website goes into a infinite loop Done
Minor WXM-7785 PORTAL-V2 : Missing a toast after a saved search deletion Done
Normal WXM-7781 PORTAL-V2 : Search on tree could failed with rapid keystrokes Done
Normal WXM-7771 PORTAL-V2 : Enforce the mandatory property of a field in the Registration screen Done
Trivial WXM-7742 PORTAL-V2 : Scrolling with a download popup the popup disappears, but the download remains active Done
Normal WXM-7727 PORTAL-V2 : The display of widgets is not optimal at maximum text input for the fields Headercart and Buttoncart Done
Normal WXM-7724 PORTAL-V2 : Player loads faster by delaying related assets loading Done
Minor WXM-7704 PORTAL-V2 : Adapt the font size for long "Download resolution" initials Done
Normal WXM-7699 PORTAL-V2 : Hitting "Enter" key on the profile edit page was opening the edit password dialog Done
Normal WXM-7692 PORTAL-V2 : The shooting date is not displayed correctly in the German language Done
Trivial WXM-7691 PORTAL-V2 : Not all buttons in an open board are supported in the help Done
Normal WXM-7689 PORTAL-V2 : Return to context when running a saved search Done
Normal WXM-7682 PORTAL-V2 : Fixed missing translation keys Done
Major WXM-7658 PORTAL-V2 : Corrected multiple shared boards issues Done
Trivial WXM-7592 PORTAL-V2 : When the day range filter is setup with a range that spans one day, the tag should display just the date and not the range Done
Normal WXM-7579 PORTAL-V2 : Fixed a responsive issue with ContentPicker Done
Normal WXM-7575 PORTAL-V2 : In the detail view of an asset the date formats do not match Done
Major WXM-7525 PORTAL-V2 : Filter names are now displayed in the tag Done
Normal WXM-7333 PORTAL-V2 : Download boards: missing entry "notify me by mail" Done
Normal WXM-7264 Fixed the conversion of Office document to PDF (OneDrive internal issue) Done