Release notes for 11.28.0

11.28.0 Release Notes


Project - Wedia
Version - 11.28.0
Release Date - 2020-12-18


No stories were part of this version.


Priority Key Summary Status
Minor WXM-9494 Support des fichiers USDZ en 3D To Deploy
Normal WXM-9480 Optimised the Sendfile security rule testing Done
Normal WXM-9469 MediaCloud job creation is no longer stopped when AI Enhancement is down Done
Normal WXM-9437 The image loading in back-office lists has been improved by implementing lazy loading Done
Minor WXM-9436 Styling for end of rights mentions is more customizable Done
Normal WXM-9435 Wedia now supports HEIC image format Done
Normal WXM-9431 New options allows for fine tuning of the Asset Analytics details (WXM_BO_Analytics_Advanced) Done
Major WXM-9427 The Duplicate finder now searches for duplicates in outstanding assets Done
Normal WXM-9422 Analytics now log the serverName Done
Normal WXM-9421 The end of rights date is now displayed in the download options Done
Normal WXM-9418 Added player support for webzip and htmlzip Done
Normal WXM-9417 Improved Cache rules for public / private asset validation Done
Normal WXM-9406 Added a duplicate filter in the tagging filter list Done
Major WXM-9399 MediaCloud now offer a monitoring endpoint Done
Normal WXM-9397 Added default CORS rules for better CDN management Done
Normal WXM-9396 CORS / CSP : improved browser cache management Done
Normal WXM-9385 The Duplicate finder now manage all document types in addition to images Done
Normal WXM-9351 Add sources of POC_WATERMARK_PROVIDER as sample to bootstrap a custom variation provider Done
Normal WXM-9340 Collaborators added to a board a noted with a tick after their name Done
Normal WXM-9328 Support for async deletion of instances, and indexes on Event Done
Normal WXM-9321 ContentPicker returned Json now export the asset uuid Done
Major WXM-9317 Added a lazy loading on boards list Done
Normal WXM-9304 Edit video options are now under a submenu Done
Normal WXM-9271 Remove the auto selection in tagging area, and improve the filtering label Done
Critical WXM-9261 Added a new back-office filter category for data pointing to removed content Done
Normal WXM-9254 Improved the visibility of drop zone of content in a web-to-print page Done
Normal WXM-9246 Static resources in /file /image... now support a MaxAge that can be updated via ?force_cacheControl=xx Done
Normal WXM-9233 Add status color and other attributes in status report Done
Normal WXM-9232 Report indexed attribute in headers Done
Normal WXM-9222 ImagingServer Dockerfile upgrade Done
Major WXM-9213 Added preferences options to Adobe CreativeCloud connectors Done
Normal WXM-9208 The Thesaurus offer a new option to validate terms one by one Done
Normal WXM-9207 Added an autoscroll in Thesaurus drag and drop Done
Normal WXM-9206 New option to move a thesaurus term to the thesaurus root Done
Normal WXM-9205 Better highlighting when drag and dropping terms in Thesaurus Done
Normal WXM-9200 File copy now also duplicates the cache Done
Minor WXM-9194 New API to get a signed asset binary path Done
Normal WXM-9189 Added a new "Notification" menu for listing all current / past notifications Done
Normal WXM-9144 Dropdown autocomplete is accent insensitive now Done
Normal WXM-9143 Ufraw-batch : provide the removed package for Ubuntu 20.04 Done
Normal WXM-9140 It is now possible to change the thresholds for Gates in a new plugin WXM_Gate_Config Done
Minor WXM-9134 Better UX in arrows navigation in back-office Done
Normal WXM-9126 Added a progress snackbar when a tagging job is running Done
Normal WXM-9114 Content picker now supports the Removed bg button Done
Normal WXM-9112 IA Learning now support RAW / NEF files in training Done
Critical WXM-9103 Improved the management of Product - Asset datamodel Done
Normal WXM-9098 Added MBean in JMX for each GATE Done
Normal WXM-9095 Logs downloaded in group by mode now sort by number of messages descending Done
Normal WXM-9093 Added Yammer and Teams in the Media sharing options Done
Major WXM-9087 The fileview now uses the MediaCloud preview for a better consistence Done
Normal WXM-9068 Imagemagick-wedia Package for Ubuntu 20.04 Done
Normal WXM-9065 Advanced Search can now have an extra tab Done
Normal WXM-9014 The DAM and snippets tabs now share the same set of servers In Progress
Normal WXM-9012 Registering a new server has been improved Done
Normal WXM-8924 Boards opened in a new browser tab remember where the back button should go Done
Trivial WXM-8908 New placeholder message on empty boards Done
Minor WXM-8705 The selected count of assets in a board is now displayed Done
Minor WXM-8607 Unify the "sort" combobox behavior between list of assets and boards Done
Minor WXM-8599 Add a "select/deselect all" option to the asset list in Boards Done
Normal WXM-8543 Added a configuration entry point for authorizing access to an asset Done
Normal WXM-8489 Tagging in Portal now support pasting from Excel in a multi-value select Done
Normal WXM-8483 Better UX when an asset variation is not authorized to a user Done
Normal WXM-8473 When tagging using a tree, creating a value is now possible Done
Minor WXM-8464 Only show help on pages with help content Done
Minor WXM-8405 Implement HTML property type in upload and edit Done
Normal WXM-8371 Media tiles in the portal can now show their status Done
Normal WXM-8366 Added a Import Report in the mass import screen Done
Critical WXM-8303 Duplicate management at upload has been completely rewritten Done
Minor WXM-8279 Added access to the board where the asset is in directly from asset list Done
Normal WXM-8265 Mass import temporary items are destroyed when the asset is created Done
Critical WXM-8142 The variation API now returns a cropped image faster, and support image background changes Done
Major WXM-7274 Snippets have been upgraded to look alike the DAM connector To Deploy
Normal WXM-6339 A new option allows for customizing the default font in CKEditor Done
Critical WXM-5354 Assets downloaded via a boards are now tracked in Analytics Done


Priority Key Summary Status
Blocker WXM-9491 Les previews des boards ne fonctionnent pas avec des vignettes vidéos Done
Critical WXM-9484 Variation API streams MediaCloud assets to avoid OOM In Progress
Normal WXM-9483 Error while restoration Done
Normal WXM-9481 Restoring a backup from the diff screen fails Done
Normal WXM-9477 Fix the IA Preview service calls for legacy DAM Done
Major WXM-9452 The New button is only activated when a document is active, even if it has just been created Done
Major WXM-9449 Fixed an issue where the search was not using the search term when it was on a different cursor Done
Major WXM-9442 Fixed an issue on default sort order Done
Minor WXM-9430 Improved the feedback on "Saved search" button press Done
Normal WXM-9388 Fixed an issue when tagging a child in a new instance Done
Normal WXM-9387 Fixed a bug with two new buttons on the Template screen Done
Trivial WXM-9380 Improvements in the share dialog of a board Done
Normal WXM-9364 The contact sheet was always showing all the board and not the selected assets Done
Normal WXM-9358 Opening a tree leaf in the Thesaurus was messing with the selection Done
Normal WXM-9354 Special boards are now properly filtered on the bak-office Done
Minor WXM-9353 When downloading a board zip with only the Excel + PDF contact sheet, the size was shown as 0 bytes Done
Major WXM-9345 Fixed an issue on cart download for Portal v1 To Do
Major WXM-9330 If main icon is not defined on an SSO button, the button was not rendered Done
Normal WXM-9327 SAML / OAUTH: fixed an issue when a context path was defined Done
Normal WXM-9308 SSO connexions were not reported in the Analytics Done
Trivial WXM-9282 Fixed a bug in Safari where the selection box was always ticked Done
Trivial WXM-9281 Redirecting to a board after login is now supported Done
Major WXM-9280 When navigating from the asset detail back to the list the list position is now longer reset Done
Normal WXM-9278 The autocomplete now filter only on available terms in regard to the active filters Done
Minor WXM-9276 Added a deleted media count in the modal deletion confirmation Done
Normal WXM-9270 Better extraction of text from html fields for search Done
Minor WXM-9269 A tick shows in which collection the asset is currently Done
Critical WXM-9262 Fixed a bug on search on deleted Childs records Done
Major WXM-9259 Added a mini-thumbnail view on tagging view options Done
Normal WXM-9250 Fixed the Security Rule validation parser Done
Minor WXM-9249 Fixed cosmetic issues in the password reset email Done
Major WXM-9239 Fixed the X-EDGE-Location to be absolute in any case Done
Normal WXM-9209 Fixed a memory leak on Thesaurus Done
Major WXM-9199 Creative Cloud Extensions now properly manage PDF assets Done
Critical WXM-9193 Fixed a bug on ImageMagick that caused issues with CMYK Jpegs Done
Normal WXM-9180 Color was missing in global workflow description and possible workflow actions Done
Normal WXM-9176 Fixed a bug with facets not displayed properly Done
Major WXM-9171 DAM Cart now streams the ZIP content Done
Normal WXM-9155 Fixed an overflow of a long board name on buttons Done
Normal WXM-9137 Fixed the height of custom buttons in the list screens Done
Normal WXM-9135 Fixed an issue with additional buttons in the waiting room Done
Major WXM-9130 Fixed a bug that prevented a forced password update on Portal Done
Trivial WXM-9110 Popinlist tree was not working with a "category"-named property Done
Normal WXM-9094 Updated the Google YouTube API Done
Normal WXM-9089 Summarize fails for video without audio files Done
Major WXM-9083 Better management of users with a lot of Boards Done
Normal WXM-9080 Fixed Datadog integration on Google Chrome Done
Normal WXM-9058 Saving from InDesign and Photoshop without proper rights failed silently Done
Major WXM-9055 User logout in Adobe Creative Cloud connectors was causing errors Done
Trivial WXM-9051 Missing translation in Add CORS rule Done
Normal WXM-9031 Very long asset name are properly elipsed Done
Normal WXM-9029 Fixed an issue with a white line appearing below thumbnails in list Done
Normal WXM-9017 Fixed fields length in user profile screen Done
Normal WXM-9009 The list share options were using the browser language and not the user locale Done
Major WXM-8997 Performance improvements on boards lists Done
Normal WXM-8983 Fixed an issue where the Boards button in the back-office header was triggering the search bar Done
Major WXM-8916 Fixed a bug where the edit button was not compliant with the security rule Done
Major WXM-8809 Fixed the maintenance message that was appearing when the computer was awaking from sleep Done
Normal WXM-8792 Fixed a bug with CKEditor creating unnecessary spans Done
Critical WXM-8716 Fixed a bug on "remember me" login option Done
Normal WXM-8419 Fixed a bug that prevented template opening in InDesign Done