Wedia product numbering

Wedia product numbering

Wedia follow Calendar versioning. Versions follow the following numbering scheme:


The third version published in 2021 is labeled : 2021.3.0

This new Calendar versioning is used since 2021.3.0 , which in the old scheme would have been 11.31.0


Why and when did we transitioning to Calendar versioning ?

We used to follow a strict semantic versioning version numbering :


until version 11.30.1 , in April 2021.

As we have a very strong backward compatibility commitment, we have not changed the MAJOR version number for ... ten years !
The Calendar versioning : Calendar Versioning — CalVer is more in line with our SAAS release pace.

Calendar versioning is absolute and neutral, and conveys more information than arbitrary numbers, as people are naturally calendar-oriented. Users can immediately state that their "2021.3.0" version is state of the art. It also leads to a better understanding on why upgrading from a "2019.1.0" to a "2021.3.0" can cost you some project time.

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