Release notes for 11.29.0

11.29.0 Release Notes


Project - Wedia
Version - 11.29.0
Release Date - 2021-02-19


No stories were part of this version.


Priority Key Summary Status
Normal WXM-10070 Dependant filters show their links Done
Normal WXM-10048 Dataview screen is now more secure against unauthorised access attempts Done
Major WXM-10046 /api/wedia/evp/describeMedia is now secured as admin Done
Normal WXM-10040 Added Gates to SurferService to measure loading time of data fetching out of session Done
Minor WXM-10037 Improved the error report of the JSP validation in Gradle Done
Normal WXM-10015 Added a tryLockUntilMs method to CTObject to try to lock during a specific timespan Done
Normal WXM-10014 CopyCache: performance improvements Done
Normal WXM-10012 It is now possible de deactivate MediaCloud with a single parameter switch Done
Normal WXM-9995 Improved the way the Undo is behaving on Dylation Done
Normal WXM-9968 The session type player tracking now has a default value : 'public' Done
Normal WXM-9966 Wedia now support HSQLDB databases Done
Normal WXM-9964 The MediaCloud player is now responsive Done
Normal WXM-9955 Improved HTML sanitization on input Done
Blocker WXM-9950 Authentication is no longer possible using GET requests Done
Major WXM-9949 Added a new REST Service to get childrens filtered by Query Done
Normal WXM-9948 Use IObjectReadOnly.getChildren() for improved performance Done
Critical WXM-9947 Security : The WAF will now block all requests with a dangerous query string (login=, password=) Done
Critical WXM-9946 It is now possible to force the email sent at each asset / board download Done
Normal WXM-9938 MediaCloud will now create standard variations for images at loading Done
Major WXM-9935 Improve performance cache checking strategy against MediaCloud Done
Normal WXM-9925 In the product medias, the hero image is visually highlighted Done
Normal WXM-9918 Added filters in the beginning of the restore process Done
Normal WXM-9916 The DXM Analytics now support the standard /dam/api url format Done
Normal WXM-9914 Files to be removed in NAR backup can now be added in a batch Done
Normal WXM-9910 Restore screen now offer filters in the summary Done
Normal WXM-9909 Restore screen added company info, NAR file name, and other infos at the end of the process Done
Major WXM-9903 The admin header now shows current site information Done
Normal WXM-9902 gradlePlugin added the JVM compatibility, incremental compilation Done
Critical WXM-9889 The user that downloads the cart can be identified more easily by the system integrator Done
Normal WXM-9875 [OAS3] API Documentation Portal for users Done
Normal WXM-9873 Added a "detach from this product" action Done
Normal WXM-9869 Boards collaborators can now modify the board in BO Done
Major WXM-9864 Gallerycard_meta now support i18n properties Done
Normal WXM-9857 imageservlet will now return extended cache headers for security Done
Normal WXM-9854 DataI18n will now explain better set up errors Done
Major WXM-9852 Added a new HttpclientsHelper method to help init HttpClients Done
Normal WXM-9848 Added a new method for getting the instances of a child multi property filtered by a query Done
Normal WXM-9841 The SSO toggle can be deactivated on the connexion screen Done
Normal WXM-9840 The date picker will now support navigating by 10 years + or - Done
Normal WXM-9830 Monitoring history will now show simultaneous events Done
Normal WXM-9823 Removed the highlighting of search terms in back-office Done
Normal WXM-9818 Improvements on Font management in PDF generation tool Done
Major WXM-9815 MediaCloud checkup enhancements: limitations, stoppable, better logs Done
Normal WXM-9811 It is now possible to disable the "my boards" menu entry Done
Major WXM-9809 Thesaurus now rely on a dedicated cache Done
Minor WXM-9807 Deactivated the preheat cache of Media Cloud Done
Normal WXM-9806 internal APIs now support multiple actions on the same path Done
Normal WXM-9783 Thesaurus : improved synonyms management Done
Normal WXM-9780 Thesaurus : updated Generic field management Done
Normal WXM-9779 Implement ETag on catalog services Done
Critical WXM-9771 Added an new oDatatools API to access raw connexion and search data Done
Minor WXM-9747 A newly added search under "My Searches" should appear in the first row Done
Normal WXM-9745 Imaging Server improves on Adobe Illustrator preview management Done
Normal WXM-9734 Handle etag for OAS3 files Done
Normal WXM-9730 Added a message on upload area empty state Done
Normal WXM-9729 Thesaurus navigation between parent / specifics has been improved Done
Normal WXM-9728 ImagingServer improves the transparent EPS conversion Done
Normal WXM-9727 [OAS3] New template engine for API documentation and added documentation for the creation and modification of DAM and DATA services Done
Normal WXM-9718 The Register screen now include autocomplete off Done
Normal WXM-9712 The garbage collecting of the Tomcat servers is now monitored Done
Normal WXM-9694 At server startup, base configuration is sent from the Engine to MediaCloud Done
Normal WXM-9687 It is now possible de deactivate counters on "Assets ⚙️" filter Done
Normal WXM-9681 Players will now honor the "Do not track" browser setting, and offer a setup for sharing with DNT enabled Done
Normal WXM-9677 Added locale in headers for i18n/18NFor fields Done
Normal WXM-9676 Assets can now be tagged one by one Done
Normal WXM-9662 StatusPage search on date range has been added Done
Normal WXM-9660 If the menu is open and the help function is activated, you will receive help on the menu interface that does not fit. Done
Normal WXM-9635 /api/wedia/analytics/odatatools/csv is now exporting surfer information Done
Normal WXM-9631 /api/wedia/analytics/odatatools/csv : fixed the month selection Done
Critical WXM-9614 Add kerning management into HTML I/O filter Done
Normal WXM-9610 Monitoring now calculates a Memory load average rather than an instant Memory load Done
Normal WXM-9608 Monitoring now memoize the history state of the nodes Done
Normal WXM-9573 New Status Page priority and criticity statuses Done
Normal WXM-9551 When listing assets on the back-office boards, the header is now fixed Done
Critical WXM-9550 Added a checkbox to acknowledge rights when downloading or emailing a selection Done
Normal WXM-9549 Images in the home "waffle" are no longer cropped. Done
Normal WXM-9547 Added a footer on the Portal Home Done
Normal WXM-9542 Long board names are now displayed with a tooltip Done
Normal WXM-9539 ElasticSearch monitoring has been added (memory / CPU / space...) Done
Minor WXM-9527 ImagingServer / Phantomjs now log errors when the url cannot be opened Done
Normal WXM-9523 Authorized Users : the licence verification system can be turned off per server Done
Minor WXM-9522 It is now possible to set up if the rights acknowledge checkbox is checked by default Done
Normal WXM-9509 Do not display secret informations in the technical admin page Done
Major WXM-9506 REST API now returns object facets information Done
Normal WXM-9478 Users can now see Profile information in readonly mode Done
Minor WXM-9471 Selection is now kept when saving a term in the Thesaurus Done
Major WXM-9462 It is now possible to subscribe to events from the Status Page Done
Normal WXM-9419 It is now possible to overload the default multiple child display mode Done
Major WXM-9413 It is now possible to setup which page is shared on social media : Preview or Asset Detail Done
Major WXM-9403 Animated GIF can be converted as WebP Done
Normal WXM-9376 It is now possible to filter on a range with 2 different date properties Done
Normal WXM-9363 Added Carousel as an option for displaying linked medias in asset detail Done
Normal WXM-9346 It is possible to create an embed code of a video at a precise timecode Done
Normal WXM-9331 AI learning can predict values on another object it was trained Done
Normal WXM-9320 Share by email now support a list of multiple emails separated by ; Done
Normal WXM-9296 Improved EPS files transparency management Done
Major WXM-9236 REST APIs allow to change status in mass tagging Done
Normal WXM-9208 The Thesaurus offer a new option to validate terms one by one Done
Normal WXM-9206 New option to move a thesaurus term to the thesaurus root Done
Normal WXM-9202 Add zip path of each asset in contact sheet Done
Minor WXM-9132 Connection on the Portal will now clear the Vuex store Done
Minor WXM-9131 Improved the error message returned when the user ip is blacklisted Done
Normal WXM-8939 Generate Embed Code : allow to customize authorized assets' statuses Done
Critical WXM-8778 API documentation greatly extended on POST / PUT / DELETE... Done
Major WXM-8760 It is now possible to manage multiple Portal setups Done
Critical WXM-7898 The Wedia analytics are expanding to the Video players stats Done


Priority Key Summary Status
Major WXM-10134 Searchtree2 display problem on Safari 14 Done
Normal WXM-10117 Office Content picker integration Done
Blocker WXM-10107 Import / Edit en masse - Suppression depuis les tags ne fonctionne pas Done
Normal WXM-10103 Fix SubDocumentMemoryCache of ELS indexer which never reeuse field cache. Done
Major WXM-10102 Fixed a resize bug in ImageMagick that was affecting the ContentPicker Done
Major WXM-10101 The cache builders of ELS indexers can now be stopped Done
Critical WXM-10083 Fixed an issue when paginating on REST APIs Done
Major WXM-10068 Fixed an infinite loop on edit form tree loading Done
Normal WXM-10045 Improved the ZIP icon in asset detail view Done
Normal WXM-10035 Mass edit should be disabled if user is not connected Done
Normal WXM-10031 Media Import could not launch indexation due to wrong date being used for the snapshot Done
Minor WXM-10026 Fix the "web" encoding profile for sounds, 3D, indesign files Done
Normal WXM-9992 IObjectReadOnly.getChildren throws exception if id is not a number Done
Major WXM-9984 IObjectReadOnly.getChildren returns empty list when called on a child with where == null Done
Normal WXM-9963 Misplaced Navbar in Content Picker Done
Normal WXM-9960 Change language in the user profile does not work Done
Normal WXM-9952 Fixed a SSO security issue with REST API not checking the host of redirectUrl Done
Critical WXM-9934 Added pagination in a board shared via a link from the back-office Done
Major WXM-9905 Fixed a bug that prevented security rules to filter assets shared in a zip archive Done
Minor WXM-9898 Removed button "@nbr" on analytics Done
Major WXM-9896 Fixed a bug that occurred when scaling / cropping an image from a variation Done
Normal WXM-9891 Reset password workflow is broken Done
Major WXM-9870 Adapt Cache-Control when /api/wedia/dam/transform is used with automatic format output Done
Normal WXM-9865 Video 360: fixed a video player integration Done
Normal WXM-9861 Engine variations should return the suffix configured in the base engine config page Done
Normal WXM-9858 Fixed a "COULD NOT FIND BINARY_FIELD" message Done
Normal WXM-9851 on Indexation screen, fixed the metadata overlay when hovering the info icon Done
Normal WXM-9849 Reduced RDMS queries to fetch boards list Done
Major WXM-9845 The back-office tagging asset by asset was missing checkboxes Done
Major WXM-9821 Delete EVP metadata cache when an asset is deleted. Done
Normal WXM-9819 Added a temporisation on JSP compile on Tomcat 8 Done
Normal WXM-9817 If a board is created from a search or selection of assets, an incorrect number of assets and no preview is displayed in the newly created board Done
Normal WXM-9804 Fixed a case of double calling the list-cart API on /boards/my-boards Done
Normal WXM-9803 Fixed an issue with "like" queries with escaped characters. Done
Normal WXM-9795 Fixed a previous / next button issue in a mixed collection board Done
Major WXM-9792 Fixed a bug with overlapping assets when scrolling back to top Done
Normal WXM-9776 XSS loophole in editing a monodoc Done
Normal WXM-9769 It appears that a search can be shared without a collaborator being selected. Done
Normal WXM-9762 Admin Security V2 does not respect context path Done
Major WXM-9754 Fixed a bug on how Firefox handles clipboard access Done
Normal WXM-9751 It was possible to save an empty search name Done
Major WXM-9749 Fixed a bug where double slashes were added in a share board url Done
Major WXM-9726 ImagingServer was returning incorrectly the transparency information Done
Normal WXM-9725 Updated the cache management on a specific client datamodel Done
Normal WXM-9715 Fixed a JS issue when DND in the Thesaurus Done
Normal WXM-9686 Player Media Cloud IE11 Done
Normal WXM-9685 Fixed a player issue on IE11 since Adobe Flash has been deprecated Done
Critical WXM-9684 Performance optimisations on Board sharing page Done
Normal WXM-9682 Fix /api/wedia/transform when it resolves as a simple resize Done
Normal WXM-9678 The date picker calendars now honor the user locale Done
Normal WXM-9625 Clicking on assets on shared-board now select them Done
Major WXM-9617 Fixed a bug where scrolling until the end of the list could move the list back to the start Done
Normal WXM-9615 Fixed an issue uri/pathinfo when forwarding to AbstractPluginApiService Done
Normal WXM-9612 Better handling of 404 on not found assets, and return to home link Done
Normal WXM-9611 Fixed an error during the security test of the REST API (missing object parameter) Done
Normal WXM-9596 Can't save/close configuration pop up on admin REST API Done
Normal WXM-9583 The labelling of the pop-up for changing the password is not correct Done
Normal WXM-9580 The selected language of the interface languages field is not displayed Done
Normal WXM-9576 Profile cannot be closed : added a close button Done
Normal WXM-9511 Fixed a bug where public boards could be created even when disabled Done
Major WXM-9508 Fixed a bug where pinging MediaCloud could be wrongly logged as an error Done
Normal WXM-9492 Fixed a "message flash" when changing display modes Done
Normal WXM-9456 Direct access to the OAS3 doc was returning a 404 Done
Major WXM-9411 Errors in configuration can be reported as connexion issues. Done
Normal WXM-9401 Saved search could not be activated on non "default" cursor Done
Major WXM-9390 Bug CwDamDetailRelatedContent sur page détails - "constraintsDescription" ne semble pas fonctionner Done
Trivial WXM-9362 Added a i18n key for Is the root of the site a local directory to the machine? Done
Major WXM-9347 Impossible to re-activate subtitles when playing a video Done
Major WXM-9345 Fixed an issue on cart download for Portal v1 Done
Normal WXM-9251 User authorized resolutions retrieval is now paginated Done
Critical WXM-9084 Dylation text frame: after reducing the size, the frame cannot be enlarged Done
Normal WXM-6742 Fixed a bug between the publication calendars Done